FAQs Conga 4090

La Conga 4090 is a robot that has managed to stand above the competition in many aspects, providing a excellent combination of high performance and a very reasonable price.

Thanks to this, it has managed to position itself as one of the best-selling robots on the market. That is why we bring you this guide, with some of the most common questions that may arise when purchasing or using this robot.

In any case, If you have any questions that are not resolved, you can ask us through the comments below.

And if you want to know more in detail about the Conga 4090, you can see it in our in-depth analysis.

Conga 4090
What will you find in this article?


La Conga 4090 is a 4 in 1 robot. Can it do all 4 functions at the same time?

La brand Conga It is distinguished from others by these two issues. They are multifunction robots, capable of sweeping, vacuuming, mopping and scrubbing, and they are capable of doing all four things at the same time.

In the case of the Conga 4090, of course, does all four things and can do them at the same time and do them well. The Conga 4090 has a mixed tank, which contains water in one part, while in the other it can store solid waste, so that they are not mixed in any case.

Is it suitable Conga 4090 for all types of floors?

Yes, the Conga 4090 Works well on rugs and carpets as well as hard floors.

In addition to its high power, the Conga 4090 comes equipped with various brushes that achieve excellent performance.

First, includes the classic multifunction brush, made of bristles and silicone, suitable for all types of floors, with great performance on carpets, where it manages to capture the dirt that is hidden between the hairs.

Moreover, incorporates the BestFriend Care brush, rubber, which not only prevents tangles, but does a great job of capturing dirt.

And, in addition, the Innovative Jalisco microfiber brush provides never-before-seen cleaning on hard floors, achieving up to triple the cleaning efficiency.

Detail of the Jalisco brush

On the other hand, as is usual in high-end robots, the Conga 4090 Automatically increases power when it detects you are on carpet.

And on hard floors, if you wish, you can use the mop for an even better result.

Logically, the use of the robot, as usual, is for indoors.

I have a very large home. What surface is it capable of cleaning?

La Conga 4090 reaches a great autonomy, up to 240 minutes, thanks to its optimized software and its huge 5.200 mAh battery.

In addition, it has a very advanced navigation system, based on the combination of a laser sensor and an optical sensor, so that It is capable of cleaning, according to tests carried out, approximately one square meter per minute (or even more, depending on the size of the rooms, the layout and the obstacles there may be).

In any case, if this were not enough, The robot has charging and continuation, thanks to UnlimitedCleaning technology, so that, if it does not finish, it returns to the base and once loading, continues cleaning at the point where it left off.

Loading and continuing

How do you clean the carpets?

La Conga 4090 has a high suction power - 35% higher than some of the most powerful competing robots - which allows it to effectively clean all types of surfaces.

In addition, it incorporates Turbo Clean Carpet technology, so that Automatically activates maximum power mode when it detects that it is on a carpet.

Turbo mode on carpets can be activated or deactivated in the robot settings in the application.

On the other hand, it does not seem to have problems (as happens with some models from other brands) with dark carpets or with certain designs, and is capable of saving up to 2 centimeters in height, thanks to the design of its wheels and suspension, so carpets of a certain thickness are not a problem.

Do you clean under furniture?

Of course, unlike some older robots, la Conga 4090 has no problem getting under furniture, as long as the height is sufficient (due to the laser turret, the height of the Conga 4090 reaches 9,6 centimeters).

Furthermore, thanks to its advanced navigation system (especially the incorporation of the optical sensor), is able to accurately and carefully approach corners, corners and furniture legs, achieving effective cleaning in these more complex areas.

Conga 4090 cleaning under the bed

How do you activate Turbo mode on carpets?

Turbo mode will activate automatically when the robot detects that it is on a carpet. To do this, it must be configured like this in the app, since, if you wish, you can also deactivate it (it can be seen in profile-robots, and by clicking on the arrow to the right, you enter the Settings).

How often do you have to replace the robot's spare parts?

In the app itself, The robot estimates the useful life of the different elements (you can see it in profile-robots, and by clicking on the arrow to the right, entering Settings).

Depending on what the robot is used for It can be estimated, for use a couple of times a week, a duration of approximately one year, since the filters and brush are rated to last between 160 and 320 hours.

For its part, the mop is assigned a life of about 100 hours, which also allows it to achieve a long period, depending on the frequency with which it is used and the mopping surface.

The app also includes recommendations when cleaning the proximity and fall sensors, since it is advisable to wipe them with a dry cloth every so often (they recommend every 35 hours of use).

Is it the Conga 4090 suitable for homes with pets?

Yes, the Conga 4090 is one of the most suitable robots on the market for homes with animals.

On the one hand, it has a very high suction power, 2.700 Pascals, which allows you to effectively capture all types of dirt.

In addition, New BestFriend rubber brush effectively captures hairs and greatly prevents clogging and tangles.

It also incorporates the Jalisco brush, which collects all the dirt on hard floors, thanks to the effectiveness of its ten million microfibers.

Ideal for homes with pets

Moreover, Its high-efficiency filter traps dirt inside the robot, contributing to achieving a cleaner environment; And, furthermore, its low noise level, below 64 decibels, will not bother you or your pets.

Does it automatically detect dirt?

No, the Conga 4090 does not have a dirt detection system. Of course, thanks to its advanced navigation system, with laser mapping, it will cover 100% of the surface of the home, so no corner will be left uncleaned. On the other hand, if you want to clean a specific area more thoroughly, in addition to the turbo power level, you can use the X2 mode, which will make several passes in that area, for a deeper cleaning.


Do you save the map or recreate it every time you clean?

Some robots generate a map every time they start cleaning. However, the most advanced, like this Conga 4090, save the map and allow you to interact with it, allowing access to more advanced functions, such as zone cleaning or restricted areas, among others.

How many maps can the Conga 4090?

La Conga 4090 can save up to 5 maps. In this way, you will have a multitude of functions at your disposal, even if your home has several floors or you want to use the robot to clean different houses.

In each of the maps you can activate the functions you want, or create 10 different cleaning plans (50 in total).

Up to 5 different maps

How should the mapping be carried out? Do I have to do anything special to create the different maps?

To create the first map, the robot will go through the entire home (or the rooms to which it has access). When finished, it will tell us that it has created a map and will give us the option to save it., assigning a name, allowing us to edit the rooms.

To create the map, it is recommended to put it in automatic mode, so that it runs through the entire house, and in Eco power level.

To create new maps, you don't have to do anything special or activate any options. The robot will detect if the floor plan of the house it is visiting is one that it already has or is different. If it is different, at the end it will ask if you want to save this new map.

La Conga 4090 is capable of saving up to 5 maps. When you already have more than one map, you will be able to know which one it is on (in order not to complicate identification for the robot, the charging base must be in the same place, and the cleaning will begin from there).

How do you edit the map? Can it be modified later?

Once the map is created, The application allows us to edit it, modifying the distribution of rooms that it has created, merging or dividing, and assigning the name we want to each of them (There are several predefined denominations, and you can also create the ones you want, by clicking on "customize").

To merge, mark the rooms you want to join, and apply the change.. The rooms must be together (if they are not adjacent, the app will indicate with a message that they cannot be combined).

To divide, select the room you want to divide, and make a line, drawing it directly with your finger on the map that appears on the screen.. To do it more easily, we can previously enlarge the map.

Once the map is saved, it is possible to edit it later. To do this, click on "map" on the main screen, and access the map or maps that we have. We drag the one we want to modify to the left, and a section will appear that allows us to edit or delete it.

Edit map Conga 4090

I do not have WIFI. Can you work without it?

Yes, The robot can work the same even if there is no Wi-Fi, can be put into operation using the button at the top and will move around the home efficiently and effectively.

As well you can control it using the remote control, which allows you to access some functions and program it.

You will enjoy all its power and its excellent navigation system, with which it will not leave any corner uncleaned, but you will not be able to access the advanced functions provided by the application.

Another possibility to get by (for example, in second homes) is to configure a Wi-Fi network on a mobile phone, and control the robot from another mobile phone.

Can I establish cleaning zones and restricted areas, which the robot will not access?

Yes, once you have already saved the map, You can establish both areas that you want to clean and restricted areas, which you do not want me to access.

Their operation is similar; You click to create a rectangle, place it on the map and give it the size you want.

Restricted areas

Do you clean rooms?

Yes, la Conga 4090 incorporates intelligent cleaning. One of the functions most desired by users of high-end robots, and that many still do not include, is room cleaning.

When creating the map, the robot will recognize the rooms and put them in a different color.

When creating our cleaning plans, we will mark which room or rooms we want to clean and how we want to do it (what cleaning mode, what power...).

Thus, we can have predefined, in a simple way, what we want to clean and how.

Map made by the Conga 4090

Are there features that require an already saved map?

Yes, Functions, such as smart area cleaning or restricted zones, require the map to be already saved, so we can define those areas.

I live in a duplex. What should I consider?

As is common in almost any robot vacuum cleaner on the market, la Conga 4090 has anti-fall sensors, so you avoid falling down the stairs (all you have to do is take care of keeping them clean from time to time).

Furthermore, the Conga 4090 is especially useful in multi-story homes, as it he is able to save up to 5 maps, so you can have a plan of each of the floors, and order or configure the cleaning as you need in each of them, independently.

Is there any element that could affect the navigation of the Conga 4090?

La Conga 4090 has a very advanced navigation system, which he avoids obstacles with great precision and sneaks through spaces where he barely has room. It also does not need much space around the charging base, unlike other models.

However, It doesn't hurt, as with any other robot, to make your task easier., clearing the area to be cleaned as much as possible.

In the case of curtains, it is possible that it detects them in some cases as a solid obstacle and does not pass under them, so it is recommended to move them away when the robot is working.

Unlike what happens to some models from other brands, the Conga Doesn't seem to have any problems with black carpets. Yes, it may have some specific problems (as also happens with other robots with laser technology) in certain circumstances, such as rooms where it receives full, direct sunlight, or in some cases, when there are more or less mirrors. less bass, which can be interpreted as the room lengthening.

laser mapping

Mopping and scrubbing

Can the mop be used on any type of floor?

The mop can be used dry, without scrubbing, and is especially interesting on hard floors, where it helps trap dust and even remove it.

It can also be very useful when polishing floors. To do this, you can lightly moisten it with a specific product for mops.

Logically, it doesn't make much sense to use a mop to clean carpets.

Detail of the mop

Detail of the microfiber mop

How can you prevent it from climbing on a carpet when you are scrubbing?

By using the restricted areas on the app's map, You can set it not to go to the area where the carpet is.

We can also use the restricted areas when we are mopping to polish the floor, and we don't want it to get on a carpet.

Can it be programmed to scrub?

Yes, can be left programmed to scrub. The robot has electronic water dosing, so it will only release water while it is scrubbing. When creating the schedule, you can define the desired water flow (low-medium-high). The Conga 4090 detects if the mixed tank is on, if it is not, it will appear as "disabled".

IDEA: If you prefer to vacuum and then scrub, you can consecutively program a cleaning plan that vacuums and then another that scrubs.. In mopping mode, if you wish, you can not vacuum, selecting the "Off" power level.

Can the robot be charged with the water tank on?

It is possible, since it has electronic water dosing, although, as far as possible, we recommend not doing so.

Can the water tank be refilled when it is placed on the robot?

No, It is advisable to fill the tank before putting it in the robot, since we could accidentally get it wet and cause a problem.

Does the tank have to be emptied when you have finished scrubbing?

Yes, it is advisable to do so.

Can scrubbing be combined with any other function?

Yes, scrubbing is compatible with the use of area cleaning and restricted area cleaning, as well as room cleaning. You can define the power level (or set it to "off", if we want it to only scrub, and not vacuum) and the desired water flow level.

Can any cleaning product be used mixed with water to scrub?

Yes, You can use a non-corrosive, non-foam floor cleaner., in an approximate proportion of one part for every 10 of water.

How many square meters does it scrub? What happens when you run out of water?

The water tank of the Conga 4090 is quite spacious, and its electronic dosing is very precise, so it can clean large surfaces with one tank. This also depends, logically, on the water flow that has been selected. In any case, as an approximation, it may be enough to scrub 40-50 square meters without problems. When it runs out of water, it would continue mopping.

Electronic water flow metering

Can you scrub puddles or accumulated water?

It is not recommended to use the robot as if it were a mop. The robot uses the water that is put into its tank to scrub, but it should not be used to collect water.

Can you overcome obstacles with the scrubbing tank? What about carpets?

La Conga 4090 can overcome heights of up to 20 millimeters, and 10 millimeters when it has the water tank on. When scrubbing, it would be advisable to set the rugs as restricted areas, so that people do not climb on them, or simply remove them.

Can you mop wooden floors?

As a general rule, there is no problem on varnished wooden floors or synthetic flooring., which usually have some resistance to humidity, and can even be water-repellent (this can be verified in the manufacturer's or distributor's specifications). If the wood is not varnished, it is not advisable.

For wooden floors, it may be preferable to set the water flow to a minimum, or to a medium level at most, so as not to over-wet them.

In any case, This is a general conclusion, it depends on the porosity of the soil, whether it is well sealed or not..

Is it capable of cleaning stains on the floor?

La Conga 4090 has one of the most advanced scrubbing systems on the market, within multifunction robots. This system stands out from the others in several aspects:

  • Scrubbing technology, thanks to which the robot performs a back-and-forth movement, back and forth, similar to what people do when scrubbing.
  • Su dual-material microfiber mop, which helps to remove dirt.
  • La electronic water dosing, which allows us to set the water flow rate depending on the dirt there is (in this way, if the floor is very dirty, we can set a higher flow rate of liquid).

As a result, the ability to clean Conga 4090 is superior to other robots on the market (many of them just wipe with a damp mop as they go). Nevertheless, If the stain is very attached, you may not get it.

Can the mop be washed in the washing machine?

Yes, you can wash the mop in the washing machine, at a maximum temperature of 30º.

What type of water should be used for scrubbing?

Normally, tap water will be used, at room temperature.. If the water in your house has lime, it is advisable to filter it beforehand to avoid accumulations.

A small amount of non-corrosive floor cleaner can be added to the water, in a proportion of 10 milliliters per 100 of water.

Robot management, app and Wi-Fi connection

How do you connect the robot to Wifi. Can it be managed from anywhere?

Once the application is installed, the connection of the robot to the Wi-Fi is configured in a simple way (the app itself guides us step by step). In the video you can see how simple it is (we created it for the Conga 3690, but the process for 4090 is similar).

Once the robot is connected to the Internet through the Wi-Fi at home, you can control it at any time and from wherever you are., you have a Wi-Fi or data connection: from your work, a cafe, from the street...

If I turn off Wi-Fi and turn it back on, do I have to configure the robot connection again?

No, when the router restarts, the robot will connect to it again.

Is Wifi essential to operate the robot? Can I control the robot in another way?

Some people have asked us if they can enjoy a robot like the Conga 4090 if you do not have Wi-Fi at home.

As usual, it is possible to start it (in automatic mode) and send it to the base from the buttons on the top of the robot.

In the case of the Conga 4090, it is also possible to control it through the remote control.

However, and although it is not essential, it is also true that some of the advanced functions it offers, such as room cleaning, zone cleaning, restricted areas and some others, are only accessible through the app.

In short, if it is possible, and you will enjoy some of its features, such as its high power or its advanced navigation system, which allows it to cover 100% of the surface to be cleaned, but you will be left without being able to use some others that are very interesting.

La Conga 4090 is ultra powerful

I am not able to connect the app with the robot.

Most robots on the market are only compatible with 2,4 GHz networks, which causes connectivity problems or difficulties in setting up the connection.

La Conga 4090 is not only compatible with 2,4 GHz networks, it is also compatible with 5 GHz networks. In this way, the problems caused by dual routers are reduced.

In any case, it is possible that in some cases it will not be possible to connect it automatically; In that case, you must use the manual option, and choose the Wifi network (Conga_Laser_XXX or similar), and then choose the normal Wi-Fi network again, 2,4 GHz or 5 GHz.

When I enter the app, the robot appears as Disconnected or Offline. What I can do?

Sometimes, robots manageable by app lose the connection to the Wi-Fi, due to micro coverage outages or any other cause.

A solution you can try is to go to profile-robots, log out at the top left, and log in again. Many times, simply with that you reconnect.

Another solution that may work is to go to profile-robots, and enter the robot as if you were going to configure something. Only with that, you can reconnect.

Is the app updateable?

Yes, periodically the robot can receive firmware updates, which will install automatically.

What are app updates for? Is it always necessary to update?

As with many other devices that incorporate software, it is advisable to perform the updates that are available, which incorporate small improvements or corrections to some aspects, based on the feedback received from users.

Issues such as the navigation system, Wi-Fi connectivity, battery management or the incorporation of new configuration parameters are added over time, and it is best to always have the robot updated.

Normally, updates will be automatic, and will not require any action from the user (other than leaving the robot "quiet" while it updates).

Can it be controlled by voice commands?

Yes, la Conga 4090 is manageable through voice commands, being compatible with Alexa and Google Home.

Manageable by voice commands

It doesn't appear on Google Home. How can I find it?

Press the center button on your mobile for a few seconds, or search for Google Assistant in your applications. Once the Google Assistant is open, click the button at the bottom right of the compass, which will open an assistant. There, we search Conga. We click on «Robot Conga», we click on «link», and we enter our Cecotec account, and it is linked.

Once linked, you have to synchronize everything in Google (or wait a while for it to do it itself). The best thing is to tell Google “synchronize everything”, so that it is done now.

Once synchronized, with the command “contact robot Conga”, we contact the robot, and different commands can be used, such as “start cleaning”, “stop cleaning” or “go to charge” (you must first contact the first command, and then give it the corresponding order).

How do you program the Conga 4090?

La Conga 4090 is programmable using the remote control and through the app.

On the remote control, you must first set the time it is, and then you can set the day and time at which you want the robot to work (although cleaning options cannot be configured).

If you use the app, programming is similar to creating an alarm on your mobile, and also allows very detailed customization.

To create a schedule on your mobile (you can have as many as you need), you simply have to enter the corresponding section and click the + at the top.

When programming, in addition to the days and times you want it to clean, you can define aspects such as the cleaning mode, the power level and the water flow, or choose a cleaning plan, in which other aspects will be detailed, such as the rooms or areas that you want to clean, restricted areas, etc.

When programming, can I choose modes or other options?

Yes, if it is done through the app, the Conga 4090 allows you to configure modes and other options when programming.

What can I do using the remote control?

Through the remote control you can operate the Conga 4090, performing some functions, but with many more limitations than if we do it through the application.

With the remote control, we can:

Set the robot to clean in automatic mode, by pressing the central button.

Direct the robot in manual mode, with the direction arrows.

Set the time, with the upper right button (it will be necessary to program it).

Set the schedules, with the upper left button.

Choose the power level, with the lower left button.

Set the edge cleaning mode, with the lower right button.

Send the robot home, with the lower center button.

remote control Conga 4090

As can be seen, With the remote you can do quite a few things, but it is much more limited than operation through the application, which allows you to choose many more cleaning modes, configure scrubbing or manage cleaning plans, for example.

What are cleaning plans?

La Conga 4090 includes RoomPlan technology, which allows you to create up to 10 different cleaning plans for each map (50 in total).

In each cleaning plan, you can define the rooms to be cleaned (marking, if desired, restricted areas where we do not want the robot to enter), and various issues, such as the cleaning mode, power and flow rate. water, in the case of scrubbing.

Cleaning plans can be used to clean when we tell the robot to do so, or they can be scheduled, for greater comfort.

For example, we can tell you to clean the rooms, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 12:00, in automatic mode and medium power; the living room, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 16:00 p.m., in automatic mode and Turbo power; and on Fridays and Sundays, scrub the kitchen and bathrooms, at 19:00 p.m., with a medium flow of water.

Room Plan

It won't let me activate deep cleaning mode

This mode is used for clean specific areas that require greater intensity, more passes, for a more thorough cleaning. Therefore, if it is chosen while automatic mode is activated, you will receive a message such as "The selected modes are incompatible."

Deep cleaning is activated, therefore, to clean smaller areas, not the entire home, which would not make much sense (if we want a more thorough cleaning of the entire house, we can combine, for example, the automatic mode with maximum power).

X2 mode also does not support the Turbo power level.

Charge and autonomy

How much space do I have to leave for the charging base?

The brand recommends 1 meter on each side and 2 meters forward. However, in the tests carried out, the robot has demonstrated great precision in its movements, getting into places where it barely fits, so it is not essential that there be so much space.

Where should the charging base be located?

It is best that it be located in a central place in the house, so that it can be better detected from anywhere, and in a clear place. However, in various tests, the robot has detected the base even though it is located at one end of the house, or under a piece of furniture, having had no problems returning.

Does it always return to base? If it doesn't, what could be the reason?

If the robot does not return to base, there may be several reasons.

It is possible that an error has occurred in one of its sensors, or it has gotten stuck with something. If we see it stopped and flashing red, it is advisable to check the brushes and the tank to see if there is anything stuck inside, and clean the sensors.

It could also be that you have become disoriented as to where the charging base is located.. This can happen for two reasons: that we have moved the robot "by hand" (it is best to do so by giving cleaning orders from the app, or by guiding it through manual mode); or we have changed the site loading base (in this case, we may have to create the map again).

How do I restore the robot to factory settings?

If you want to restore the robot to factory settings, you can go to profile-settings-robots, and by clicking on the arrow to the right, you will enter the settings. There, at the top right you have the option to restart the robot.

What does night mode mean? What is it for?

Night mode is another option in the robot's settings, and it prevents it from working between 22:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

Can the robot be turned off? Do you have a switch?

La Conga 4090, like other similar models of the brand, can be turned off by pressing the ON/OFF button on the top for a few seconds. The robot will go into stand-by state (it will not turn off completely, as happens in other models with a switch).

I have it in my room and the light bothers me. Can it be turned off?

No, the light is always on, even if the robot is fully charged. As a solution, you can cover it with something light, like cardboard, for example.

How long does it take to charge? How do I know it is charging?

The charging time is 3-4 hours, although the first time it is advisable to leave it charging for about 12 hours. While charging, the robot's light flashes yellow-orange, while when it is already charged, it remains solid blue. You can also see if it is charging or if the battery is full through the app. After 5 minutes of inactivity, the Conga 4090 will go into suspension.

Does it always have to be on the charging base when not cleaning? Can't it break down or consume a lot of electricity?

Like other manufacturers, Cecotec recommends that the robot be on its charging base when not working. The only exception would be if it is not going to be used for a long period of time (for example, a month).

If the robot is not in the base or it is not plugged in, it will discharge little by little. In any case, it is recommended to charge the battery at least once a month.

Regarding electricity consumption, both this and other robot vacuum cleaners have a very low consumption, so the cost is minimal.

What is the autonomy of the robot?

The estimated autonomy reaches 240 minutes. Esto It depends on the power used, the carpets you have (since it will use maximum power in them) and the obstacles that may exist. In any case, the Conga 4090 includes UnlimitedCleaning technology, so if it doesn't finish cleaning the entire home, it will go to recharge and then pick up where it left off.

4 hours of autonomy, the highest on the market


How often do you have to change the brushes and filters?

The app includes estimated useful life times for brushes and filters. By entering profile-robots-lifespan, we can see how much each element has left for the recommended change. In the case of the central brush, about 320 hours of life are estimated, 220 for the side brush and about 160 hours for the filter, which is enough for many months, with normal use of the robot.

What maintenance needs to be done on the robot?

Normally, the tank has enough capacity for several cleaning cycles. It is recommended that, at least every time the tank is emptied, the condition of the central brush and the side brush be checked, freeing them from any hair that may be tangled (for this, the cleaning tool included with the appliance is very useful. the robot).

It is also advisable to clean the high-efficiency filter to prevent it from becoming clogged.

In this way, we will make the robot work better and contribute to a longer life of the cleaning system components.

The brushes can (and should) be removed from the robot, to clean them more easily and completely.          

On the other hand, also Drop sensors should be cleaned periodically (especially if we have a home with stairs or holes through which you can fall) and shock, to ensure proper functioning of the robot, with a clean, dry cloth.

Likewise, the wheels must also be cleaned of any possible dirt that may remain adhered.

What are the differences between the Conga 4090, the Conga 3690 and the Conga 3090?

La Conga 4090 inaugurated the 4000 Series of this range of robots, while the other two belong to the 3000 Series.

La Conga 4090 and 3690 share many features, such as the high suction power, 2.700 Pascals, Wi-Fi connectivity through 2,4 and 5 GHz networks, the BestFriend Care rubber brush, the Scrubbing scrubbing system, with 3 scrubbing levels, or the possibility of cleaning by room or create cleaning plans, for example.

Scrubbing scrubbing technology

Scrubbing scrubbing technology

How differences, Conga 4090 incorporates an optical sensor, has a longer autonomy (240 minutes, compared to 150), and includes the Jalisco brush, up to 3 times more effective in cleaning hard floors.

For its part, the Conga 3090 It is the first robot in this 3000 Series and was presented at the end of 2018. In this time, it has become one of the best-selling robots on the market, thanks to the combination of high-end features and a very contained price.

It also offers laser navigation, high suction power, although lower than that of its sisters (2.000 Pascals), Scrubbing scrubbing system (but it does not have 3 levels of water flow, it only has one), and aspects such as the automatic Turbo in carpets or the charge and continue technology, whereby, if it does not finish cleaning, it goes to the base and once loaded, it continues cleaning where it left off.

But, on the other hand, it lacks other advanced features that its range sisters have, such as cleaning by room, 50 cleaning plans, the possibility of saving several maps, the special brush for homes with pets, or the Jalisco brush, in the case of the Conga 4090.

If you want to know more about Cecotec products, we invite you to visit our articles:

142 comments on «Frequently asked questions Conga 4090 »

  1. Hello,
    I just bought one conga and I'm going to do the first mapping. I have tables with chairs. In the cleaning that I am going to schedule daily, the chairs will be there but from time to time I will put them on top of the table so that I can also clean underneath. For the first mapping, do I remove or leave the chairs?

    To start mapping and cleaning the second floor, I always have to raise the charging base, right? It is not enough that the conga Always start from the same point on floor two, you always have to put the charging base on, right?

    • Hello, María, thank you for coming to our website.

      You can remove the chairs to make the robot's work easier, but it is not essential. As for the second aspect, we usually recommend taking the base to the other floor so that you can return to it, but it is not mandatory either.

      All the best

  2. Hello, I have the Conga 4090 and I wanted to know how to clean two floors, that is, to make the map of the second floor, I will have to upload each time (both to make the map the first time and then for normal cleaning) the charging base to that recognizes the beginning of the map?

    • Hello, Raquel, thank you for visiting our website.

      What we usually recommend in this situation is to also find a location for the base on the other floor, so that when finished the robot returns to it; You would carry out the mapping the same as in the first one, starting the task from the base, and thus the robot returns to it. When you have more than one map, you already recognize which one you are on.

      All the best

  3. Good morning, I bought the conga 2090 and it has a remote control, the question is. Can I use the robot only with the remote control, without having the app?
    Now I am working as follows;
    I take the robot with the remote control from the charger to the room I want to clean and press the "clean room" button, is this correct?
    Thank you

  4. Hello, good afternoon, thank you for the clarifications you make on the website.
    I wanted to ask, when you do the mapping and you have a piece of furniture that cannot be accessed, a sofa that is low for example and does not fit underneath, on the map this piece that occupies the piece of furniture, is it not going to be recognized? And if you later move the furniture, how do you have it clean this piece that is now free? Maybe the solution is to remove the furniture when you go to map the first time and then place it later and have him avoid it when he bumps into it? thank you so much.

    • Hello Adela, thank you for visiting us.

      The areas that you do not access will appear darker, on the house map you will see the limits of the walls and those areas occupied by sofas or dark furniture; In the tests that we have done, when moving the furniture it has had no problems and it has cleaned that area that has been left free, but perhaps if the furniture is large and especially if it occupies the entire surface (it does not have somewhat high legs). I interpreted it as a wall and then when I moved it, I "didn't know" that that area existed. In that case, a solution would be what you say, first leave the area empty so it can create the complete map and then put the furniture.

      All the best

  5. Hello,

    I have one conga 2290 ultra home, I can't get it to clean the entire house, it makes maps that don't correspond to my house and it goes from one room to another without finishing cleaning them, and it also goes through the same place 7 times and other places never once, this is normal? I thought I could have an entire map of my house and tell it to stop by, but if I don't make sure it cleans the entire house then it's of no use to me to have this device.

    Thank you!

    • Hello, Marta, thank you for coming to our website.

      La Conga 2290 Ultra Home is a robot with a Gyro navigation system, based on a gyroscope, so it is not as precise and orderly as a robot with laser navigation can be; In addition, unlike laser models, the mapping is used only in the cleaning session (for example, to recharge and finish the cleaning if you need it), but it does not save the map so that you can later interact with it and decide, for example , which cleans a specific room or area, with the 2290 you cannot do that type of thing (in the Conga, laser models are from series 3000 and above).

      All the best

  6. Good morning,
    I have one conga 3090 and when I hit it to clean, it comes out of the base and immediately the button turns red and the screen tells me: place the robot on the ground and start the robot.
    What I can do?

    • Hello, Rosalía, thank you for visiting our website.

      We no longer have the app for that model, but if we remember correctly, it had an option in the settings to "calibrate" or something similar, try running it.

      All the best

    • Hello, José María, thank you for coming to our website.

      Check the brushes, both the central and the side, and the dirt inlet (disassembling the central brush), in case something is stuck; It is advisable to especially clean the central brush, since in its rotating movement it accumulates dirt that remains stuck or tangled, and can cause lint to hang and then appear elsewhere.

      All the best

  7. Hello, for a few weeks now when I enter the application it asks me for username and password, after entering them, it goes to the main menu and after 2 seconds it returns to the login page. And so I can get bored. I have written to the developers and they give no signs of life. I write to Cecotec and no, several phone calls and the only response is to uninstall and reinstall. I uninstalled and reinstalled, deleted all traces of the application from the phone and it's still the same, I even factory reset the robot and nothing. The next thing that occurs to me is to look for previous versions of the application to see if that's the case... Any ideas? Thank you

    • Hello, Jose, thank you for coming to our website.

      We tell you a trick that has worked for us when something similar has happened to us. Press the square button on your phone (which shows the applications that are open), and close the Cecotec app, moving it to the left. Then open it again and enter your login details (usually it will ask you for your password).

      All the best

  8. I have the Conga 4000 and when it loads into the base, it doesn't finish turning blue, it makes a feint, it goes from yellow to a few blinks in blue, and so on.

    • Hello, Vicente, thank you for coming to our website.

      Maybe it doesn't make good contact, try cleaning the terminals (the little metal plates through which it charges) well, both on the robot and on the base. If it doesn't work for you, you can also try moving the base, just in case, for whatever reason (a slight imbalance, or whatever), it doesn't make good contact.

      All the best

  9. Good morning
    I have a 4690, and many times, even though it only has one map, when it starts cleaning it seems to draw new areas that do not exist.
    Also now, he has changed the location of the house (loading) without me having moved it, so when he has to go to load he can't find it. What I can do? Do I have to delete everything and reprogram it? I have already had to do that on some occasions and it is a tremendous inconvenience, reconfiguring everything.

    • Hello Isabel, thank you for visiting us.

      The best thing if you have everything very busy is to start from scratch, as you say. This can happen for several reasons, for example: if we have made a map with some room(s) closed and then the doors are open (which can be interpreted as another map); if we do not start the cleaning from the charging base (and cause it to become disoriented); or if in the middle of cleaning we move the robot by hand from one place to another (it could also become disoriented).

      All the best

  10. Hello, for a while now (I think it coincided with the application update), there is no way for my conga 4090 works fine. I had to delete all the maps I had saved because I didn't recognize them. Now I'm trying to get it to make a new map, in eco mode, and there's no way it can go through the entire floor, sometimes it's only 2 minutes ago and it turns out that it's already finished. With the current map that I have incomplete, I send it to be cleaned and it doesn't do it either. I do not know what else to do…

    • Hello, María, thank you for coming to our website.

      You can try to reset the robot to factory settings by going to profile-settings-robots, and clicking on the arrow to the right, you will enter the settings. There you will find the corresponding option.

      All the best

  11. Hello, good afternoon, I have a problem with the mapping of the Conga 4690 I have divided all the rooms well, but the kitchen, which has two doors, there is no way to divide any of the two doors. I have not been able to make the line.
    I would appreciate it if you could tell me how I can separate the doors from the kitchen to the hallway, it seems to connect the hallway with the kitchen, I have already done three complete mappings
    Thanks in advance

    • Hello, Juan, thanks for visiting us.

      Go to the map you have created and move it to the left, you will see an option with a pencil to edit.

      Tell him that the rooms are not those, that you want to change them. Then, to facilitate the process, make the map larger, pinching with two fingers and moving them outward to enlarge the map, in the area where you have the kitchen, this way it will be easier for you to make the separation line.

      All the best

      • The same thing happens to me, it won't let me divide the kitchen from the entrance, I have tried to do what Juan answered, but no pencil comes out, I have also enlarged it and neither.
        I have already reset it to 0 several times, but I always have the same problem.
        I can do?
        I have the Conga 4690

        • Hello, Eulari, thank you for coming to our website.

          The pencil comes out if you enter maps and drag the one you want to the left, allowing you to edit it. Divisions cannot be made if any of the resulting spaces are very small, but we understand that this will not be the case, so by enlarging the map, you should be able to see it to do so.

          All the best

  12. Good morning, I have two questions:
    As Cristina wrote in a previous question, my house also has 2 floors, so I have the inconvenience of having to move the base depending on whether I want to clean one floor or another. To this they responded that it would be the most "recommended" thing to do, but they do not answer if it is possible to leave the base installed on one of the floors and only move the device to clean the other floor. What drawbacks will this practice bring? Would you recognize the map? What would happen when you finish cleaning and look for your charging point?
    The second question is: Is it possible to program Auto Mode, Turbo Suction, Medium Water Level…. Would this plan be like scrubbing mode but without the back and forth motion.
    Thank you very much

    • Hello, Toño, thank you for visiting us.

      We indicate that it is recommended, because it is better for the robot to start cleaning from the base, have it located on the map and then be able to return to it when finished. It can be cleaned without having the base and many people do it this way so as not to have to move it; If you don't have it, it will map too, but you won't be able to return to it when finished, and it may cause you some disorientation (you may not always start cleaning from the same place), which is why you might interpret that you are on different maps.

      The second, yes, it can be programmed like this, it will scrub but without the back and forth.

      All the best

  13. Hello my conga 4090 has always worked well, but now it does not recognize the water tank, when I place it it does not detect it and if I look in the application it tells me that it is disabled.
    I think it coincided with the update of the app

  14. Hello

    A couple of weeks ago the robot stopped scrubbing. It only dry cleans but does not perform the scrubbing function. I have cleaned it thoroughly but it still doesn't work. I have checked in the APP and everything is normal. It is programmed for Auto cleaning that includes the scrub option

    what could be happening?

    Thank you

  15. Hello!
    For a couple of days now my Conga 3690 places the base on the map in a different room than it actually is. When it starts cleaning it detects Conga initially where it really is (not the base, it's still in the wrong room) but a new mapping begins.
    Any solution without mapping again?

    Thank you very much and happy holidays!

    • Hello, Juan, thank you for coming to our website.

      Well, we don't know why it did that, but it seems that it has been misplaced, the solution would be to map it again (in case this has been the case, to avoid disorientation, it is better, as far as possible, not to move the robot by hand) .

      All the best

  16. Hello, to mop only without water, is it enough to put the mixed tank and the mop, without adding water? Do I have to select any option? Thank you

  17. Hello, Pilar, thank you for coming to our website.

    Yes, in principle it is like that, add the robot and configure the connection as the app tells you, as you did the first time. You can try the 5 GHz network or the 2,4 GHz network. To facilitate connectivity, try to do this first process with both the mobile phone and the robot close to the router.

    All the best

  18. Hello,
    We just changed fiber companies and I don't know how to change the wifi on the robot (4090 series). I have tried to do it by adding another robot but it does not connect, not even manually.
    How do I change the Wi-Fi network?
    Thank you

  19. Hello, I have a conga 4090 and my house has two floors, the maps have been created correctly, but in places that it can pass and it does not pass, sometimes it closes the doors, maybe one day it cleans the entire floor and the next it leaves a room uncleaned ( selecting the same map), when I always have it programmed for complete cleaning... and I am already desperate and I don't know what to do, I have set it to calibration 0, I have created the maps again but nothing does the same, I need help please By the way, your page is of great help, greetings

    • Hello Miriam, thank you for visiting our page.

      The thing with the doors can happen if they are not fully open and the robot pushes them at some point, trying to get in from behind. Leaving rooms has never happened to us, but you can try to create a cleaning plan by hand, selecting all the rooms, or make several alternatives, and clean some days and other days, see how it behaves. If that doesn't work for you, you can try changing the site base and mapping again.

      All the best

  20. Hello, Noelia, thank you for coming to our website.

    We have not detected problems in that sense, anyway, if it goes offline, try trying to enter the configuration menu or another, normally with that it will reconnect; It can also work by logging out and logging back in.

    Another thing you can try is to locate the base somewhere else and remap it again, just in case.

    All the best

  21. Hello,
    I have purchased one Conga 4490 and I have installed the app. I constantly have connectivity problems, it appears offline and I have to reconnect with the robot and the app freezes. I have edited the map and when I go to save the changes the app hangs for example.
    I have an iphone 8

    • I've had it for 2 years, and no matter what they tell you, it's a mistake on that machine. I have mapped, changed base, deleted robot, calibrated, deleted app, changed the wifi and checked that it is 2,4... and it keeps happening, don't go crazy.

      Greetings and patience

  22. Hello, I am having problems with the conga 4090. They are not even a year old, and for a week it gets stuck, even in the middle of the living room and it is not stuck. Or I send it to clean a room on the map and it tells me that the distance is too long and not clean. What can be? Should I send it to technical service for repair? I have reset it several times and created the maps again.

  23. Hello, Fernando, thank you for visiting our website.

    If you are creating the plan, simply click on the X that has the restricted area. If you are editing an already created plan, first decide the rooms it has, click Next and there you can click on the restricted area so that the X appears to delete it.

    All the best

  24. Hello, Fina, thank you for coming to our website.

    If you reset it, it will return to its "factory" state (possibly the best in this case, to start from scratch) and then you will have to map again, and you will have the robot ready to take advantage of all its functions.

    All the best

  25. Hello, for reasons of work at home I removed it and now it's like all the maps are deleted and it goes crazy wherever it wants, if I restart it it will return to its state or will it be like starting over? I also lost the instruction manual, how can I do it? Thank you

  26. Hello Gador, thank you for coming to our website.

    Yes, that's right, when programming it only lets you choose between those 3 modes, some of the other 7 would not make much sense for them to appear (schedule cleaning at one point, or manual mode, for example).

    If you want to schedule the cleaning of a room or a specific area (for example, to clean under the kitchen table every day at 4 in the afternoon), you can program with Auto mode, so that the Plan is Kitchen (i.e. that is, create a cleaning plan that is only the kitchen, and then choose it when programming it), and within this plan, if you want, create restricted areas, that the robot would not clean).

    All the best

  27. Hello, I have the 5090 and I have recorded the first map today but when I go to enter some programming it only gives me the option for complete cleaning and for the auto, edges and scrubbing modes, it does not let me choose any of the other 7 modes and it doesn't even They appear to me as an option. Can you help me?
    Thank you

  28. Good afternoon:

    I have had one for less than a year Conga 4090 which has worked perfectly. Suddenly, it has gone to the base and the LED is not lit, without blue, red or anything, as if it had been disconnected. I don't know what to do.

    Any help will be welcome.

  29. Good morning,
    I have the vacuum cleaner Conga 4490 since last week. Today I have programmed it by creating a plan with restricted areas. The plan incorporates several rooms of the house. He started the cleaning and after a minute or so, he was left wandering around, beeped and returned to base. It might look like it has run out of charge but it has actually been on the charging base all night.
    What can happen to him?
    Best regards

  30. Hello. Good afternoon. Delighted with your help. We have one Conga 4090 since December. My house has 2 floors, so I have 2 maps and several plans and some scheduled daily. It has worked well for us, although we have had some problems that made me write to Technical Service in April and they did not answer me. For example, it didn't charge the battery (although it hasn't happened again), I put the mopping mode on and it didn't make the back and forth movement, it behaved like the normal cleaning mode and wet the entire floor and then I put it back in another room. and the floor was dry, that is, it didn't work and it was sometimes difficult to find the charging station. Lately after cleaning it asks us if we want to save the new map, it surprises us, but since it continues cleaning well, we didn't give it importance. And now I go to what has worried us a lot. Our maps and plans have disappeared, rather they appear in the APP, but empty, when I press them, I get CONNECTION ERROR. We didn't know how to recover them, so I mapped again, and to my surprise they have disappeared again. The activities are visible, but when I want to enter MAPS a sign appears with instructions to start again. We don't know what could be happening so we have decided to uninstall the App and reinstall it. Right now I'm mapping again and the truth is that it's a pain. Can you help us? It is normal? I'm afraid it will happen to me again. Thank you very much for your help.

    • Hello Maribel, thank you for visiting our website.

      The thing about new maps can happen if, for example, at some point you have had a room closed and then it is opened (the robot does not add the room to the existing map, but rather understands that it is a new one), if the cleaning from the charging base or the location has been changed, or other situations that may disorient the robot (in short, if you always start cleaning from the base, it has not changed location and it has the complete map of the house, it shouldn't have to happen).

      As for what you say about the app, we wouldn't know what to say, what we would do is what you have done, uninstall it and reinstall it, perhaps it is a question of the version of the app (which will be updated automatically ). They wouldn't have to disappear.

      All the best

      • Yesterday I think the same thing happened to me, it was my first day with him conga it made the map and then it disappeared the problem was that it goes out of service or something similar. What I do is go into the phone's applications, I go to the app's information and I force it to stop, then I open it and the device reconnects and it comes back to get everything out, I hope it helps.
        On the other hand, I have been with it for a day and it has disconnected several times, I think it is an issue to be solved,

      • Good morning,
        I have one conga cecotec 4090 and the maximum time it is working is 5 minutes
        With full charge
        Can you tell me the problem

        • Hello, María José, thank you for visiting our website.

          If it does not charge, it is most likely a battery problem; However, just in case, try to clean the terminals (the charging plates) well, both on the robot and the base, in case they do not make good contact.

          All the best

    • Good morning, the same thing happens to me with the maps in the last room it gets stuck in the high pile carpet and it gives an error asking me to put it on the charging base and then it doesn't clean again so I turn it on to restart the cleaning and the names of the maps and the restricted areas that are in red appear, but not the created map, then start mapping again. What I'm doing is when the lights turn red I don't charge it but I turn it off and on again without moving it. I suppose it is a question of the application that I have also tried to uninstall and nothing.
      All the best

  31. Hello, Cristina, thank you for coming to our website.

    The ideal is what you mentioned, that there be a location for the base on each floor, and start the mapping and cleaning from the base on each one, so that the robot can then return to it when it is finished.

    All the best

    • Good.
      I have a problem with the Conga 4090.
      It is fully configured, I have had it for months and today when I start it from the App, as always, the vacuum cleaner starts and the app shows me recognizing the environment, but it does not come out to clean, it stays at the base. Could you tell me what's wrong?
      I reset it, reconnected it to Wi-Fi and it does exactly the same thing.
      Thanks in advance

      • Hello, Miguel, thank you for visiting us.

        We don't know if by reset you mean turning the robot off and on again. If that's the case, you can also try entering profile-robots-arrow on the right, to go to the settings and click on reset, at the top right, to restore the factory settings.

        All the best

  32. My house has 2 floors. I understand that I would have to choose a place on one floor and another on the other to put the charging base or only on one floor the charging place for the 2 floors? I don't know if I have explained myself. Thank you!!

  33. Hello, María, thank you for visiting our website.

    In principle, simply install the app on your mobile, and give it the same name as it has on the other, and do the connection process the same as you did on the first one. As you are connected to the same robot on the same network, everything should already appear on your mobile.

    All the best

  34. Hello, we just purchased the one with 4090. We have created cleaning plans on my husband's cell phone. How can we transfer it to my mobile? Thank you!

  35. Hello, José Ignacio, thank you for coming to our website.

    La Conga 4090 does not issue notifications of that type, when it finishes it will simply return to the charging base, and you will see that it is finished. You can restore factory settings in profile-robots arrow to the right to enter the settings.

    All the best

  36. Hello, when it starts or ends it doesn't notify me of anything on the phone, nor if it is stuck or something happens to it, do you know how to get the notifications? Has another query ever been disoriented? Do I restore it like new? Thank you so much.

  37. Hello, Ester, thank you for coming to our website.

    As you have a different configuration (new name, new password, etc.), you will have to configure the connection again, click add robot from the app and follow the steps as the first time you configured it (in this same article you have a video to refresh your memory if you want).

    All the best

    • Hey.
      Thanks for the complete information.

      It's been out of line all day. I have tried everything… log out, stop and turn it on... everything I've seen!

      Do I have any option other than configuring again and having to map?

      Thank you very much


      • Hello, Rubén, thank you for coming to our website.

        In principle, by entering profile-robots to enter the configuration, it reconnects, just like if you log out. Try taking the robot near the Wi-Fi router and doing it there. Sometimes, it can also be useful to turn the router itself off and on, in case it has been "caught" in some way.

        All the best

  38. Hello! We have changed internet companies and now we have a new Wi-Fi network and the 4090 model cannot be synchronized with the new network. Can you help me please!
    Thank you

  39. Hello, Roberto, thank you for visiting our website and for your words.

    Well, we have precisely been in that situation too, and we have added height to the legs by buying some that screw on at a DIY store.

    The height to leave it would be a little higher than what the robot reaches, to leave a little margin, theoretically it would be 10 centimeters, we have put 10,5. On the other hand, also take into account if you have a rug nearby, which may make you need a little more height when the robot enters under the sofa.

    All the best

    All the best

  40. Hello, I just bought a device conga 4090 and so far everything works very well. I have a large L-shaped sofa for which, the Conga It is not able to clean underneath because the height of the legs is not enough. I have thought about fitting the legs to get it to fit. Conga and clean under the couch. As I have read the height of conga It is 9,6 cm. Is raising to that height enough? Or something taller is preferable so as not to have problems with mapping and other functions.
    By the way, fantastic post and very complete information.
    Thank you.

  41. Hello, Daniel, thank you for coming to our website and for your encouragement.

    Well, we couldn't say why it does that, we just created a new map in another house, and no problem, we have both houses, each one with its own map...

    Perhaps the best thing is, as we told Lorena, to delete the damaged map, to start again with clean maps. To do this, you can go to maps and drag it to the left, then click delete, and then map again.

    All the best

  42. Hello, Ana Isabel, thank you for coming to our website.

    The base does not affect, since you can put the robot into operation on a floor where it is not, and it will map it the same, so even if you put it on the other floor, it will not change the situation.

    The question is whether the robot is capable of connecting to the Wi-Fi through which you have the connection with it. The robot can work with several different Wi-Fi (for example, if you use it to clean different houses). The Wifi works as a connection between the robot and the app. Therefore, if the robot does not pick up Wi-Fi in the other areas, it will not pick it up with the app. But you can also put it to work with the remote or through the button on the top.

    All the best

  43. Good afternoon. I have had a model for several months conga 4090. In my house there are three levels with two different Wi-Fi. In the part where there is a wifi and the base is located it works perfectly but in the other two areas where I have a signal amplifier and the base is not found it does not work through the app. Can I solve this somehow? Do I have to move the base when I change zones?
    Thank you very much, greetings.

  44. Hello, Ana, thank you for visiting our website.

    In principle, it doesn't have to affect you whether you have Wi-Fi or not on the other floor, much less whether the maps don't appear. Try logging out and logging back in.

    All the best

  45. Hello, I have a two-story house and on the ground floor the Conga 4090 works great for me, but since I put it on the first floor yesterday it doesn't work, it appears offline. I've done everything it says to try to fix it and nothing. I've only had it for a week and it's been working great until yesterday On the first floor I don't have Wi-Fi, but it was cleaning because I checked on it and the maps don't appear, neither from above nor from below. What do I do?

  46. Hello, Manuel, thank you for visiting us.

    You can try making the map larger, "pinch" with two fingers to enlarge it, as you do with a photo, and this will make it easier for you to draw the separation line.

    As for the other question, we don't know what that floor is like, but if it is very abrasive, perhaps the best thing is the multifunction brush.

    All the best

  47. Hey.
    I just purchased the conga 4090.
    It has created a map for me, and I have been able to separate and name rooms and the kitchen, but the living room, central hallway and two bathrooms are joined and it does not allow me to divide. When drawing a separation line, it says that it is not possible.
    On the other hand, in another home, the floor is very hard and abrasive, Aragon stoneware. Which brush is more advisable?
    I would appreciate it if you could clarify what I can do.
    Thank you very much

  48. Hello, Isabel, thank you for coming to our website.

    Well, it may not be very common for them to go up, but it could happen. On the Internet you can see videos of cats uploaded to robot vacuum cleaners, and although we do not believe that it would affect it much (depending on the weight of the cat), it is not the most appropriate either, they are not devices designed to carry weight on them, and it could end up affecting him.

    All the best

  49. Good morning,
    Regarding the use of the robot Conga And the pets, what happens if the pets are cats? What would happen if they climbed on top of the robot? While it is at the base or working? They are very curious animals and the circumstance can arise.
    I was thinking of a Conga 4090 or do you think an upright vacuum cleaner would be better for me?
    Thank you for your comment.

  50. Hello!

    Please I wanted to know how I can delete the cleaning plans that I have already created. I can't find how to do it in the app, and if I try to create a new one by assigning the name of one since it already exists, it won't let me do it.

    Thank you so much!

  51. Hello, Ivan, thank you for coming to our website.

    Well, we couldn't say, perhaps because of the thickness of the carpet or the type of pile. What is the carpet like? Does it only happen to one or does it happen to more than one carpet?

    All the best

  52. Hello, I have purchased the conga 4090, in general I am delighted, except for the carpet turbo mode, I have it activated, but when I put it to suck normal power throughout the house, when it reaches the carpet it does not change the power to turbo. On the other hand, if I put the vacuum in turbo mode, when it reaches the carpet it alternates the normal mode with the turbo depending on whether it is in favor of or against the pile of the carpet. In short, it does not change from normal to turbo mode when it detects the carpet.

  53. Hello, Jose, thank you for coming to our website.

    Try removing the batteries from the controller and putting them back in, with that it should work. If not, you can also try putting new ones on it.

    All the best

    • Hello, I have the same problem on a 5490 that is just over a month old: the remote does not work (the application, impossible); I have repeated numerous times what the manual indicates: 5 seconds on the 'edges' button and apart from the 8888 for 30', it does not work. I have also tried it with the machine running, as well as in the application linking option, with the same result. After seeing this answer I changed the batteries (although the previous ones are fully charged) and neither. Not even repeating the manual procedure with new batteries. Thank you

      • Hi JM, thanks for stopping by.

        When you press the edge mode for 5 seconds, we understand that you get 8888, right? And after a few seconds, it doesn't work? You can also try removing the batteries and pressing the center button to delete any programming you may have; and then, you do the edge mode thing.

        All the best

  54. Good night. I have a robot Conga 4090 and I make it work with the assistance service, because I am very Major and it is more practical for me. When you bring it to the base, touch several buttons, including the edge mode one. The robot works but the controller does not. In the instruction book it says hold down. Press the mode button for 5 seconds and display 8888 but after five or ten seconds this command does not work. To the robot. Greetings Jose

  55. Hello, Nani, thank you for coming to our website.

    Yes, you can use the robot in two homes, in each of them the robot will make its corresponding map. If you had Wifi in both, you would have both maps in the app, but if not, you will only have one. I wouldn't have to delete them or anything.

    When you map in the house where you have Wifi, when you finish cleaning it will ask you if you want to save the map and give it a name. You say yes, and adjust the divisions of the rooms if necessary, and you will have the map of that home. In the other, you can operate with the remote.

    All the best

  56. Hey.
    All my maps have been deleted and I don't know why, can I restore them somehow?
    On the other hand I can use the conga in different houses and save me the maps of the two houses?
    In one house I do have Wi-Fi but in the other I don't and I use it with the remote.
    How can I save them?
    Is that why the maps created at home with Wi-Fi are deleted?

  57. Good night. I have changed the Wi-Fi network and therefore now I cannot use the APP to control my conga 4090. How can I reconnect it without having to remap it??
    Thank you

  58. Hello, Paqui, thank you for coming to our website.

    It may wet the mop a little, but it has electronic dosing, so you shouldn't add water when you're not mopping, so when you return to the base, it shouldn't make a puddle even if you're standing there for a while.

    All the best

  59. Hello, Francisco, thank you for coming to our website.

    There is no problem if the robot loses connection during cleaning, its Wi-Fi is weaker than the cell phone signal and that is why what you mentioned can happen to you, that although you have a connection on your cell phone, the robot in that area does not have it. The cleaning will continue to be carried out successfully, the only thing is that the map will not be updated in real time in those areas where it barely catches a connection.

    As for the remote control, it is independent of the app. The programming data is saved in both ways but it will not show in one what has been configured in the other. Therefore, if you want the data recorded on the mobile, it would have to be programmed from the application.

    All the best

  60. Hello again, Paz, thank you for your encouragement :-).

    We wouldn't be able to say very well why it did that, perhaps a solution is to create another user account, with another email, and configure the linking of the robot and the maps again.

    All the best

  61. Hello good morning. After a few months of use, the robot has not recognized the map for a while. It does strange things (it stops in one area and comes back again and again, or there are areas where it doesn't go, or I select a room and it goes somewhere else...) In fact, a different map appears in the app from time to time that does not correspond to the real one. What do I have to do to get the mapping done again? What are the steps to follow?
    Thanks a lot. This is my go-to page whenever I have questions. Congratulations.

  62. Good afternoon. Two questions regarding the model Conga 4090:

    a) I am having a lot of problems with the communication between the app Conga 4090 and the wifi connection. Very often, when it is in a cleaning process, the message that there is no connection appears in the application. However, the Wi-Fi continues to work perfectly on the phone, allowing me to browse or download data if I need it. The connection between the robot and the router has simply been lost, costing me sweat and tears to recover it. Where is the problem?

    b) I configured the app and the robot created a map of the house for me. Then I edited it and created a cleanup plan. Later I tried to configure the remote control (by the way, it is impossible to set the time according to the instructions in the manual) and when I tried to modify the settings in the app, nothing that I had initially configured appeared. Are the app and the remote control incompatible?

  63. Hello, Fernando, thank you for coming to our website.

    No, it is not possible to recover the map from activities, nor add a room or an area to an already created map, you would have to map again. In principle, if you map the entire house again and the map does not match the one you already have (and it will not match, because it will have more of that area that it did not have), it will ask you when it is finished if you want to save the new map, so you would have two, the initial one and that new one, already complete. If you go to maps, you can drag the incomplete one to the left and delete it. Or you could also do it the other way around, first, delete the one you have now incomplete, and then map.

    All the best

  64. I have one Conga 4090, and I mapped the ground floor forgetting about under the bed in the room. I accidentally saved this map and now I always get the same one. I mapped the entire ground floor again and this time I did map it all, but I didn't save it. In activities, this new one that I want appears, but it won't let me save it. Is there a solution to avoid having to map the entire ground floor again.

  65. Hello. Congratulations on the website and thank you for the help you provide.
    My question is the following: I have a two-story home. I have already mapped the first one, and its base is already defined in a central and accessible place. Now I want you to map the next floor. On the one hand, I read that it is not advisable to modify the base, but, if so, how do I start the mapping of the second floor? Do I take the base to that floor, or do I leave it in its place on the main floor and only transfer the Conga? If so, how do I get it to start, outside its base, a first “mapping” cleaning of that second floor?

    • Hello, Alfredo, thank you for coming to our website and for your words of encouragement.

      You can take the base to the other floor. It is recommended that cleaning (and mapping) begin from the charging base, then the base will be located on the map and thus the robot will always know where it is. That is why it is said that the charging base should not be moved, but this is rather referring to a plant.

      That is, if you have the base located in the room on the ground floor, for example, when you clean that floor, it should always be there, in the same place, and start cleaning from there. Afterwards, you take the base to the second floor, and place it in the place where you want to have it, and you start the cleaning from there. The robot, when starting, will detect that this floor is not the one it has already recorded, and will begin to create a new map.

      Every time you change the floor robot, you will simply have to place the base in the location that you had defined for it on that floor, and start the cleaning from there.

      All the best

      • Good morning, thank you very much for the very useful information you provide. In relation to this query that the user Alfredo asked you and after having followed the steps you indicate, the following happened to me. The robot mapped the lower floor for me without any problems and was loading for a while afterwards. Later, when I had completed charging, I took the charging base upstairs and started cleaning. However, he did not create a new map for me but rather made an extension of the one on the lower floor, even superimposing some rooms on top of others. What should I do to start a completely new map and not make modifications to the one I already have saved?

        • Hello, Lorena, thank you for visiting us and for your encouragement.

          In principle, nothing else needs to be done, the normal thing is that the robot detects that it is not in the same plane, because the distribution is different, and after a few seconds it begins to create a new plane.

          We do not know if in your case, the plants may have certain similarities and this may complicate that interpretation. If it doesn't, try putting the charging base on that second floor in another place, to start cleaning from a place that is unknown to the robot.

          On the other hand, if the map you had has now "spoiled", you may have to delete it to start over with clean maps. To do this, you can go to maps and drag it to the left, then click delete.

          All the best

          • Hello,

            Thank you very much for the service you provide and the website, it is greatly appreciated.

            In relation to the thread that has been created with the issue of Alfredo. The same thing happens to me as Lorena, I move the base to the first floor and it starts to make a different map, but that different map can overlap with the previous one created, that is, with the one on the ground floor.

            Later, when it cleans the first floor, the robot does it correctly but in the App the map that is displayed of the first floor is still displayed in an overlapping way, and there is no way to delete the rest of the map or in its default, of creating a new map without overlapping with the previous one. I suppose it is a defect of the App, but I don't know for sure and I may be doing something wrong.

            A greeting.

  66. Hello, Ana, thank you for coming to our website.

    Indeed, the red light indicates that there is some type of error. Remove the central and side brushes and check that nothing is tangled. Likewise, dismantle the tank and the filter and clean both well; Once the tank is removed, also check that nothing is trapped in the robot's suction nozzle. Also check the cleanliness of the wheels and clean the robot's sensors with a soft cloth.

    All the best

  67. Hello, I have had the conga 4090. It has worked very well until today, when both the power button and the home button have turned red and blinking, neither in the manual nor on the website have I found the solution. It says that it is a mistake, but how to solve it? I have taken him to the base. The buttons turn blue and then it beeps and they turn red again and flash. Can you help me?

  68. Hello, I have had this vacuum cleaner since October 2019, it has always worked well, but in the last month it has started to run out of power, or rather, it seems that it runs out of power and it comes back, it gives the sensation that it stops The filter is clogged, but I clean it or put the other one in and it's still the same. I have reset it and it is still the same.

    • Hello, Antonio, thank you for coming to our website.

      To rule out options, without having all the data, it occurs to us that the power fluctuations that you mention could be due to the turbo mode on carpets. Try deactivating it in profile-robots-arrow on the right, to enter settings, and there you will see that you can deactivate it, as you told us.

      All the best

  69. Hello,

    Yesterday, after three days of inactivity at your base, I put my conga 4090 running, but had been discharged. So as soon as it started, she went back to her base to charge. I have to say that this has happened to me a couple of times, but I have always thought that it was because someone had moved it and it had not charged properly as it was not in proper contact with the terminals of the charging base.
    I encountered the problem today because when I got home I tried to start it, after confirming yesterday that the charging had been done correctly, and it does not turn on. It does not have a fixed blue, orange, or red light. I've put it on from the app and from the power button... but it doesn't do anything. In the app I get a message that says "place the robot on the ground and start it"... it has 3 battery stripes and apparently it goes online, what could this be due to? Thank you so much.

    • Hello, Mercedes, thank you for coming to our website.

      It's strange, you have it in the charging base and it is connected? You can try restarting the robot in the app, in profile-robots, arrow to the right, and at the top right, you have restart robot (then you will have to go back to the map, the cleaning plans, etc.).

      All the best

  70. Hello again, Maite.

    In our case, when we have mapped, it has left some small blank areas, but they are the corners that cannot be accessed because it does not fit, as there are various pieces of furniture that prevent it. Therefore, we understand that those blank areas that it shows you are areas that the robot, for some reason, has interpreted as not accessible.

    Therefore, yes, the solution would be to map again. The robot does not add new things to the map it already has (for example, if we map a house by closing several doors, and then it maps again with those doors open, it will interpret that it is a different map). Therefore, it is likely that when you map again, it will understand that it is another map, and will ask you to save another map. In that case, you can access maps, choose the one that no longer works for you and drag it to the left; You will see the edit and delete options, and you will be able to delete it.

    All the best

  71. Hello,
    I have carried out the first cleaning with the conga 4090 following the instructions, after going through the entire apartment I made a map, which I have saved, in which it indicates the different rooms or rooms of the house in colors, but there is a part of the house that, although it is reflected on the map , it is in white and I cannot name it or edit it. I have seen how he has really cleaned it, but I don't know why he doesn't have it included with color on the map. Should I do the initial mapping again?
    Thank you for your website and contributions on how it works since the instructions are very insufficient and unclear, from the moment you open the box, you don't know if you have to assemble any of the parts or if they are all spare parts... little by little you discover that A little bit of everything, but you have to investigate on your own.

  72. I think my conga 4090 does not have the autonomy they say, it only runs for about 45 minutes and it does not finish cleaning my apartment of about 100 square meters

    • Hello, María Dolores, thank you for visiting our website.

      In all the tests we have carried out, it has greatly exceeded that autonomy that you mention. In what cleaning mode does it happen to you? With what power level?

      All the best

  73. I just bought it Conga 4090. I have installed the application on my mv and I have done a first cleaning using this app. However, I have tried to configure the remote control and to set the time, when I press the button indicated in the instructions, the figures do not flash and therefore it does not allow me to set the time (apart from the fact that at Press this button, the robot starts).

    Another question: I have made the first map, I have edited and distributed the rooms, but now I don't know how to access them to plan the cleaning because the only thing I see is the entire floor...

    Congratulations on the page. It is much better than the instructions, which are not very clear.

    • Hello, María Paz, thank you for visiting us, and for your encouragement :-).

      As for the remote, if pressing the set time button doesn't work for you, you can try two things. The first, take out the batteries and put them back in. The second, what it says in the manual, that is: keep pressing the edges button for 5 seconds, until the screen shows 8888, so that it will enter pairing mode with the robot, and then it will return to normal mode, being linked. .

      Regarding the other question, it is true that in the case of these Conga (at least, today), the system is different from that of, for example, Roomba, in which either complete cleaning or the rooms to be cleaned are chosen.

      In the case of 4090, you will have to define cleaning plans, entering the section next to Map, and there you will establish the room or rooms that you want to clean. This has the advantage that you already have the cleaning plans saved, and you simply have to choose it, and you can even choose them when programming the robot.

      All the best

    • Mari Paz, I had the same problem with configuring the remote control until I discovered that the instructions were wrong. The button to set the time that you must press is the one on the top right.
      I completely agree that the instructions are very poor.

      • Hello, Maite, thank you for visiting our website and for your contribution.

        Now, reading your comment, we have seen that in the instructions it talks about the start button instead of the time button, at the top right (although in the drawing where it lists all the buttons on the remote, it does put it correctly...) . On the other hand, apart from this, comment that we have seen many instruction manuals, and they are not the worst, there are much rarer ones.

        All the best

  74. Hello, Ángel, thank you for coming to our website.

    No, once charged, and with the robot remaining in the charging base (we understand that it is plugged in), the robot should remain with the blue light while it is in the base. From what it seems, this was not the case, so it had to be downloaded.
    Perhaps for some reason it moved or was not placed completely correctly on the base, so the terminals were not in contact properly, for some reason. Try placing it back on the base, while it is plugged in (consumption is minimal). Once it charges, it should keep the blue light on.

    When it is charging, it will flash orange and in the app it will say “charging”, when finished, the robot will stay with the solid blue light and will show charging completed, and the light will stay blue

    All the best

  75. Mi Conga 4090, purchased at El Corte Inglés very recently, has been in its base for 3 days in a row without being used after a first complete cleaning. After that first cleaning, the Conga It returned to its charging base and charged for a while, until the “power” and “home” lights were blue. Afterwards, those pilot lights have been off; neither in blue nor in orange. Three days after it was first cleaned, without having been used, I wanted to use it again, and I found that the battery had very little charge. Since I am not used to it, I have put it to work and it has not done so, but after a while it has gone out alone and has been cleaning for a short time and immediately it has returned to its base to charge the battery; She has gone out again, I think without having fully charged the battery and without having finished cleaning the entire house, she has returned to the base and has not gone out again even though she had not finished cleaning the entire house.
    Is this normal?

    • Good morning, I recently purchased a model Conga 4090. I have not yet proceeded with its implementation, about which I have a doubt.

      Since it needs the connection via Wi-Fi to map and record all its activity instantly, given the size of my home, there are two rooms which are furthest from the router and it loses the Wi-Fi signal. My question is: while the conga If you are doing the initial mapping and you lose the signal in those rooms, will you still do the mapping? I understand that it will memorize the information of those two rooms and upload it to the app the moment it reconnects the Wi-Fi signal, right?

      I hope you can help me.

      • Hello, José Manuel, thank you for coming to our website.

        Well, it's a good question, we had never thought about it, not being in that case :-).

        To simulate what you told us, we have done the following. We have restarted the robot, to restore it to factory settings, so we are left without the map we had. Next, we have disconnected the Wifi, and we have started the robot to clean, clicking the button at the top. We left it cleaning for half an hour, and we turned on the Wi-Fi. At that moment, the robot has connected and upon entering the app we have seen the map that it has been building during that time (which was practically the entire house).

        Therefore, based on this, the answer is yes, the robot saves it and then dumps it into the app.

        All the best

      • Hello, when filling the water tank it drips, is this normal?
        I'm afraid it will make a puddle if it stays on the charging base for a while with the mop on after finishing mopping.
        Thank you.


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