What is the best robot vacuum cleaner? We analyze the 30 best-selling models

Are you thinking of buying a robot vacuum cleaner? If you are looking for maximum comfort when cleaning, this is your best alternative!

But not all robot vacuum cleaners are the same, far from it. Although the designs may look similar, they differ greatly in the ability to trap dust, the cleanliness of the environment, the noise they make or the software that manages them..

And, of course, there are also many differences in prices. In the case of robot vacuum cleaners, it can be said that, in general, the higher the price, the higher the performance. (or, seen from the other point of view, if you want a device with more features, you will have to pay more). Although, as we will see, it is not a law that is 100% complied with either.

We have completely remodeled this comparison to adapt it to the new models that have emerged. Don't miss it, there are very interesting robots, at very competitive prices.

Ranking of best-selling vacuum cleaners

Do you want to know which are the best-selling vacuum cleaners? Look our RANKING!

Robot comparator

visit our Robot COMPARISON, to find the one you are looking for.


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Do you want to know which is, definitively, the best robot vacuum cleaner on the market?

Find out in our mega analysis, we compare the best robots from the best brands, the TOP:

When buying a robot vacuum cleaner, you should take into account not only how much you are willing to spend, but also to what extent you need those extra features that the most sophisticated models can provide..

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Characteristics of a robot vacuum cleaner

Which robot vacuum cleaner to buy? This is the doubt that many people have, and at Mi Aspiradora we will try to help you solve it, through this mega guide.

Choosing a robot vacuum cleaner can be complicated, due to the enormous variety that exists, not only in brands, but also in models (for example, the leader, iRobot, has dozens of models of its famous Roomba).

Next, we will review a series of characteristics on which you can base your choice, and we will offer you different alternatives for this, in addition to our assessment of each robot. You know, at MiAspiradora, we analyze, you choose.


When choosing a robot vacuum cleaner, you should take into account the different parts. The first, the price, which will be largely delimited .

For this reason, in the selection that we will make in this analysis, we will divide those chosen into several price ranges, so that you can easily find which one best suits you, within a certain range.

Obviously, user satisfaction depends on both the results obtained and what it has cost (the famous quality-price ratio).

There are cheap robot vacuum cleaners that obtain a high rating from their users, but this does not mean that they work better than more expensive ones. (although it may also be in some cases). It simply tells us that their quality-price ratio is superior, that they offer more in relation to what they cost.

And if with this comparison you still don't see it clearly, we have prepared a very complete guide to try to help you once and for all:How to choose a robot vacuum cleaner?

How to choose a robot vacuum cleaner


Without attempting to list brands here, the truth is that there are some that are better positioned in the world of robot vacuum cleaners. It doesn't mean that the others don't do it well, but it is true that there are some that stand out more:


  • The market-leading manufacturer offers a wide range of devices, from about 300 euros to more than 1.000. Founded in 1990 by robotics specialists from the prestigious MIT, and Roomba are the reference in this field.

If you want a good robot vacuum cleaner that does not disappoint your expectations, this may be a good choice. Devices that work reasonably well, and very “well-rounded”, since they have a large number of users.

Neato robotics

  • Neato is a Californian company with fewer years of experience than iRobot, since it was founded in 2010, but it offers an interesting alternative within the medium and high range.

With prices between 300 and 800 euros, approximately, Neato has managed to carve out a niche in the market, thanks to the good performance of its robots. Its characteristic “D” shape, together with the design of the brush, allows for better cleaning of corners.


  • The Korean manufacturer LG has a wide range of devices: mobile phones, computers, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines... It also offers an interesting range within the world of robot vacuum cleaners, with its Hombot range.

LG also competes in the upper mid-range, with prices that can range from just over 300 euros to over 1.000, in devices that have sophisticated navigation systems, in which they apply their well-known Smart Inverter technology in the motors, and they even incorporate video surveillance systems.


Ilife follows a strategy similar to that of some Chinese mobile phone manufacturers, offering top-of-the-range features at a very reasonable price.


  • The Spanish brand Cecotec, a specialist in small appliances, has made a name for itself in the world of vacuum cleaners, thanks to the excellent quality-price ratio of its range. Conga, and in the world of robots it was not going to be less.

The robots Conga They offer very interesting performance, at an affordable price, well below that of other manufacturers. And also adding features that others do not have, such as mopping and scrubbing.

Navigation system

This is one of the sections that distinguishes the most advanced robots. We can distinguish between:

Basic robots, which follow a more or less chaotic advancement scheme, and they even collide against the elements that are found.

Mid-range robots, which have navigation systems, through sensors and cameras, so that a map of the rooms is created, “remembering” the nooks and obstacles.

High range, with intelligent navigation systems, capable of detecting the dirtiest areas, to work more thoroughly on them, and that perfectly learn the layout of the home, mapping the areas.

Robot vacuum cleaner navigation system

Robots usually have various navigation modes, from automatic modes to specific ones, for example, to clean the edges or a specific area (for example, where we have dropped something).

Almost all robots have crash avoidance systems (although they are not always 100% effective), bumpers, and stair detectors., which prevent most mishaps in this sense (although, occasionally, someone may suffer a fall, especially on stairs that do not go straight).

programming ability

This is an aspect that many people consider essential in a robot vacuum cleaner (while others can live without it perfectly).

There are various types of programming:

The simplest is delayed programming, in which you can schedule it to start after X hours.

Daily Schedule: You can set the same start time for every day.

Advanced programming: you can set a different start time for each day.

cleaning system

Without taking into account the Vileda Narobi (which is not a vacuum cleaner, it is a mop), most robot vacuum cleaners have a similar cleaning system, based on brushes that collect dust towards the area of ​​the robot where it is vacuumed.

Some models only have roller-type brushes, while others also have side brushes, usually blade-shaped, that help channel the dust towards the vacuum area.. The blades are usually three-armed, which quite efficiently allows debris between each blade without it escaping.

Rollers and brushes of a robot vacuum cleaner.

Depending on the shape of the robot (most are round), Side brushes can be essential to reach corners. In the case of some models, such as LG's Hombot, which are more square, or Neato's D-shaped vacuum cleaners, this is not as important.

Efficiency (power)

In robot vacuum cleaners today, the design (how the brushes are arranged) and the navigation system are more important than the power.

In themselves, robot vacuum cleaners are devices with low nominal power (although this, as you know, is what really determines the electrical consumption). But thanks to its system of brushes and rollers, the dust is channeled towards the vacuum area, so that they do the day's cleaning reasonably well. Furthermore, today this aspect has been improving a lot, so that The robots that have been appearing in recent years, especially since 2018, have quite good suction power, of 2.000 Pascals or more.

Some models have acoustic impact sensors, which allows them to know which areas are dirtiest, so you can spend more time on them.. This is because the dusty floor vibrates differently, and the sensors detect this change in vibration, devoting more effort when necessary.

Similarly, some devices work differently if they are acting on a carpet, acting with more energy.


An aspect that also interests many buyers is whether the robot will be able to clean your home on a charge, or whether it will need to recharge the battery. Although many models head to the charging base as soon as the battery is low (that is, they are autonomous in this sense), users prefer models that are capable of finishing the cleaning in each cycle.

The autonomy declared by the manufacturers ranges from one hour to three hours.

The ability of the robot vacuum cleaner to cover more or less square meters will depend on:

  • About battery autonomy.
  • From the navigation system (which may be more or less efficient).
  • Of the obstacles you encounter (that make you spin more or less).
  • From the dirt that accumulates (that makes it make more or less passes).

Even depending on so many factors, such as orientation, you can estimate that it cleans 2/3 of a meter for every minute of autonomy (that is, if it has 120 minutes of autonomy, it can clean about 90 square meters).

Obviously, the most advanced ones, which have laser mapping, achieve greater efficiency in this section.

What is the best robot vacuum cleaner? We analyze the 30 best-selling models

Semi-random navigation patterns of a robot vacuum cleaner without a room mapping system. CC License: https://www.flickr.com/photos/13963375@N00/3533146556/

Deposit capacity

Another question that interests many users. If your house is large and/or you have pets (which means you will have large amounts of hair to vacuum), a model that has a large tank is best for you (there are several options between 0,6 and 0,7 liters)..

In some cases, the robot vacuum cleaner itself notifies you if the tank is full. Otherwise, you will have to keep looking to empty it, which you will have to do quite often, in many cases, once for each use.


Robot vacuum cleaners are generally quieter than sled vacuum cleaners or stick vacuum cleaners. Their noise levels are usually between 60 and 70 decibels, a fairly acceptable figure, at the level of sleds considered “silent.”. Some models are even below 60 decibels.

Furthermore, if the model has the possibility of being programmed, you can avoid hearing it at all, simply by setting its working hours when you are away from home.


Although, in general, robot vacuum cleaners are designed to be able to vacuum under beds and other furniture, it doesn't hurt to check the height of the robot, to know if it will go under that low piece of furniture that you have...

Moreover, Some robots are able to climb light or high carpets, while others get stuck and tangled in them.. If you have carpets of one type or another in your house, keep that in mind.

HEPA filter

Some models have HEPA filters or other high-efficiency filters. If there are people in your home who are allergic to dust and/or mites, you are interested in having a device that contains this type of filters..

How HEPA filters work

HEPA filters trap tiny particles, sizes less than 0,3 microns (a micron is one thousandth of a millimeter), thereby contributing to cleaner air.

If we also add the possibility of programming it and the convenience of using it every day, the robot vacuum cleaner can be a great ally for people with allergies.

Virtual walls

This is an alternative that higher priced models usually have. Depending on the brand, they can have different names: virtual wall, virtual guard, virtual lighthouse...

They serve to delimit areas to which we do not want our robot to access, normally using infrared.

Virtual Wall Robot Vacuum Cleaner

In some cases, they function as a wall, that is, they create a barrier that the robot vacuum cleaner will not cross, and in other cases, they act as a door, so that you can “open it” when you are done with that room, and not before.

Remote control (remote control, mobile apps)

These features are typical of high-end models. Obviously, it is not something you cannot live without, but some people may find it convenient to be able to control their robot from a remote control or from a mobile application.

Spare parts

It is important to know if you have spare parts, such as filters, rollers, brushes, etc. If you choose one of the most well-known brands, you will not have problems in this regard, while, if you choose a less common brand, you will have to take this issue into account..

Filters, for example, must be cleaned regularly (every few cleaning cycles), and must be replaced when they deteriorate.

For their part, the brushes need to be cleaned in each cycle (to remove any hair that may have become coiled), and to be replaced when they break or are worn.

The battery is the most sensitive part of the robots. It is highly advisable to carefully read the manufacturer's instruction manual to respect its recommendations regarding battery care.

It is an expensive component and, depending on the use we give it, we can achieve a longer or shorter duration of it.. Keep in mind that the battery may have a shorter warranty period than the device itself.

The best robot vacuum cleaners by price ranges

And now (finally!), we present to you which are the best robot vacuum cleaners within each price range.

We have analyzed the 30 best-selling vacuum cleaners, and now, we are going to tell you which ones are the most valued.

To carry out the assessment, at MiAspiradora we take into account the score given by users of said devices, and in many cases also that given by professionals.

This means that Highly rated vacuum cleaners imply satisfied users. Therefore, it can be said that it is an indicator of good value for money..

If you add to this section the number of opinions (which measures relevance), you have the perfect combination.

Would you like to buy an excellent robot vacuum cleaner for less than 150 euros? Visit our mega guide on cheap robot vacuum cleaners:

Cheap robot vacuum cleaners

A vacuum cleaner with a high score and that has been tested by many users is an unbeatable combination.

The best robot vacuum cleaners for less than 250 euros

We have analyzed 11 robots that are usually found in this price range. Nowadays it is already possible to find very interesting robots for 250 euros or less, and in fact, there has been a tie in the rating of the four most valued robots, which have different qualities, but all of them provide great cleaning performance. of the home, so any of them is an excellent choice.

Conga series 1790

Our assessment

Un very successful model, which obtains 97 rating points out of 100, thanks to the fact that it is a 4-in-1 robot, which sweeps, vacuums, mops and scrubs, its high power and its advanced navigation system, which allows it to map the home, to clean 100% of the surface.

Technical sheet and characteristics

  • data sheet
  • characteristics

Autonomy (minutes)


Height (cm)


Tank capacity (liters)


Noise level (decibels)


Remote control


side brushes




High efficiency filter


Advantages of Conga 1790

  • 4 in 1: Sweep, vacuum, mop and scrub. In addition, its scrubbing system is one of the best that can be found.
  • Great suction power, its 2.100 Pascals allow you to do a great job.
  • Room mapping, thanks to iTech Gyro 3.0 technology, covers 100% of the surface to be cleaned, leaving the home spotless.
  • Control via app. Thanks to its WiFi connectivity, it can be operated from your mobile phone at any time and from anywhere.
  • Long-lasting battery, 160 minutes, thanks to which it can clean a medium-sized floor with a single charge.
  • Silent, emits less than 64 decibels, so it won't bother you or your neighbors.

What do your users think?

Its suction power is amazing. It cleans the entire house without leaving a corner, and it is very easy to operate and program. The app works great. I recommend it 100%.

I love it, I wasn't very convinced, but I recommend this one to anyone who wants to buy a robot vacuum cleaner. The battery lasts a long time, it's enough for me to clean both floors, and I set it to clean from work, so when I get home I have a clean house.

Wonderful, I'm happy, it leaves the floor very clean, it doesn't make much noise and it's very easy to use. For the price, the truth is that you can't ask for more. Totally recommended, I wouldn't know how to do without it. It picks up everything, and when it seems that the house is already clean, you empty the tank and see how well it cleans.

Great purchase, I have a cat and little time to vacuum every day. After a lot of thinking and comparing different brands, I decided on this product and I couldn't be happier! I'm surprised at all the pet hair it removes, I couldn't find that many with my vacuum cleaner. I totally recommend it.

One of the best purchases I have made, I have stopped using the other vacuum cleaners.

The best robot I've ever had. I had an iRobot Roomba 630 and they have nothing to do with each other (always keeping in mind that the Roomba was already more than five years old and this is a more current product). I was surprised by the low noise level, and although I didn't expect much from the scrubbing, it also surprised me in that, it looks perfect. 

Ikohs Netbot S15

Our assessment

Another great robot, which combines advanced navigation with good suction power, plus four functions in a single device. For all this, it also achieves a rating of 94 points out of 100, which makes it an interesting mid-range alternative, and also at a super competitive price (currently, clearly below 200 euros).

Technical sheet and characteristics

  • data sheet
  • characteristics

Ikohs Netbot S15

Overall rating: 94

Ikohs Netbot S15

Suction power (Pascals)


Autonomy (minutes)


Charging time (hours)


Tank capacity (liters)


Noise level (decibels)


Remote control

Yes, with LCD

side brushes

Yes (2)



High efficiency filter


Advantages of the Ikohs Netbot S15

  • Room mapping and control via app
  • Turbo Boost function: When greater power is needed, for example, to clean carpets, since the robot has two power levels. It reaches 1.500 Pascals, making it one of the most powerful robots on the market, especially in this price range.
  • 4 in 1 toy: Sweeps, vacuums, mops and scrubs, providing a comprehensive solution for home cleaning. 
  • Five navigation modes: automatic (cleans the entire house), edge (special for cleaning walls and around furniture), room (to clean a single room), spot (for when dirt is concentrated in one point) and return home, to activate manually return to the charging point (it also returns only when the battery is running out).
  • Programmable: can be programmed with its 24/7 function, via remote control, In a simple way. This way, when you get home, you will always have it clean.
  • Noise level: At less than 60 decibels, the Netbot S15 is one of the quietest robots out there.
  • HEPA filter: thanks to its filtering system, captures 99,97% of airborne allergens, leaving it more pure.

What do your users think?

I am very satisfied, it seems like a great product. I had an old Roomba, and the change has been huge. The robot behaves very well and the cleaning modes are very useful. I recommend it.

I am very happy, I leave it cleaning when I go to the office and when I return, everything is clean. I had doubts if it would do the carpets well, and without problems. Great value for money, I'm delighted.

I'm amazed, it sucks as well as a mid-high range robot, a great purchase.

It climbs up carpets, cleans every corner, and removes dirt even when everything seems clean. Very good buy.

I don't think there is anything better at this price. I put it on when I leave the house and it's finished in 45 minutes. The mop thing is also pretty good.

Xiaomi Vacuum

Our assessment

The first version of the Xiaomi robot is a magnificent option around 250 euros. With very high power and an advanced laser mapping system, it also obtains 94 rating points.

Technical sheet and characteristics

  • data sheet
  • characteristics

Xiaomi Vacuum

Overall rating: 94

Xiaomi Mi Vacuum

Suction power (Pascals)


Autonomy (minutes)


Charging time (hours)


Tank capacity (liters)


Noise level (decibels)


Navigation system


side brushes

Yes (1)



High efficiency filter


Advantages of the Xiaomi Vacuum

  • Room mapping and control via app
  • High power: Its 1.800 Pascals place it at the head of this price range, and only below high-end robots, such as the Xiaomi Vacuum 2 or the Conga 3090. With this level, there is no dirt that can resist it.
  • Advanced navigation: Its laser mapping system is the most advanced, to achieve a thorough cleaning of the home, without leaving even a corner uncleaned.
  • Autonomy: Its large lithium battery provides two and a half hours of autonomy, so it is capable of cleaning large homes with a single charge.

Opinions about the Xiaomi Vacuum

Excellent mapping system, nothing like other robots, which move randomly. The Xiaomi divides the house into small areas and cleans them all, without leaving anything behind. When she's done, she returns to her charging base, and the only thing you have to do is empty the tank.

This robot is perfect, it cleans better than myself. I didn't expect that result, but when I see the dust deposit, I can clearly see it.

It's great, easy to handle and set up, and great suction power. In addition, it moves fluidly and smoothly, without damaging the furniture.

Una Great value for the price. When it cleans, you can clearly see the difference. For a house of about 60 square meters, it takes between 45 and 60 minutes.

The best robot vacuum cleaners between 250 and 500 euros

If you are willing to invest a little more in your robot vacuum cleaner, here we present the most valued in the competitive mid-range. 

Nowadays, the mid-range is where the best options are found, since there are several high-performance robots that fit into this medium price level.

Roomba 966

Overall rating: 91

High-end Roomba for great cleaning

Roomba 966
  • Advanced navigation
  • Cleaning in 3 phases
  • Large deposit

roomba e5

Overall rating: 93

A modern Roomba for homes with pets

roomba e5
  • New generation Roomba
  • High power
  • Management by app

Conga series 6090

Overall rating: 99

One of the best robot vacuum cleaners on the market.

Conga 6090 Ultra
  • laser navigation
  • Super powerful
  • Great value for money

Roborock S5 Max

Overall rating: 98

The best seller of Xiaomi and Roborock

Roborock S5 Max
  • laser navigation
  • Improved scrubbing
  • High autonomy

Conga series 6090

Our assessment

La Conga 6090 obtains a rating of 99 points out of 100. It is a device that maintains some of the strong points of its predecessors: 4 in 1, powerful, quiet, HEPA filtering... But, in addition, the 6090 incorporates the most advanced technology: home mapping based in laser navigation, loading and continuing, etc., to achieve more effective and efficient cleaning, and the highest suction power on the market, with 10.000 Pascals.

Technical sheet and characteristics

  • data sheet
  • characteristics
  • Intelligent laser-based navigation system.
  • Mapping of rooms.
  • Controllable through app.
  • Power up to 10.000 Pascals.
  • Cleaning by room, cleaning plans, multiple maps.
  • Suitable surfaces: Hard floors and carpets up to 2 cm thick.

Advantages of Conga series 6090

  • Navigation laser based, the robot covers the entire surface to be cleaned, without leaving any corner.
  • 4 in 1 toy: sweeps, vacuums, mops and scrubs, for comprehensive home cleaning.
  • The highest suction power on the market, 10.000 Pascals, there will be no dirt that can resist you.
  • Bquite silent (minus 64 decibels).
  • Has a deposit of good capacity (0,57 liters).
  • His new Scrubbing scrubbing system It places it at the forefront in this aspect, achieving a more professional result, with water flow dosage and back-and-forth movements to imitate what people do when scrubbing.
  • Thanks to the app, cleaning plans and multiple maps, you can define the cleaning exactly to your liking.

What do your users think?

Its suction power is amazing and no corner is left uncleaned. In addition, it is easy to use and program. I like the app, it gives you all kinds of information and is very intuitive. I recommend it 100%.

The robot scans your house the first time you put it in while it cleans, and then organizes itself to clean it in squares. When it's low on battery, it returns to its charger and then picks up where it left off. Incredible. Furthermore, if it has not been able to enter a place or there was an obstacle, it tries again, it does not consider a surface lost until it is sure that it cannot access.

It had been years since I had been so successful in a purchase. We are delighted. I put it to work every day and it removes a lot of lint and dust, it's incredible, before we didn't get as much dust by sweeping as the robot does. My congratulations to the company.

I bought this high-end robot because I had heard good reviews from others CongaYes, and the truth is that it works super well, I usually put it on from work so that when I arrive everything is clean.

Impressive, without a doubt, the best investment I have made. In my case, my house has two floors, the ground floor is almost 200 meters and it doesn't do the entire thing with a single charge, but it charges itself again and continues cleaning where it left off. The top floor measures about 100 meters, and it is done in one go. When I leave the house, I leave it on, and when I arrive everything is already clean, and I can also see on my phone what it is cleaning.

Roborock S5 Max

Our assessment

Xiaomi had already done a great job with the first version of its robot, and its manufacturer, Roborock, already works with its own brand, achieving great success. He Roborock S5 Max reaches 2.000 Pascals and includes improved scrubbing capacity. All this, together with its excellent autonomy, means that the robot achieves a very high rating, 98 points out of 100, so that it has become the object of desire of many buyers.

Technical sheet and characteristics

  • data sheet
  • characteristics

Roborock S5 Max

Overall rating: 98

Roborock S5 Max

Suction power (Pascals)


Autonomy (minutes)


Tank capacity (liters)


Noise level (decibels)


Remote control


Side brush(es)

Yes (1)



High efficiency filter


Advantages of the Roborock S5 Max

  • High suction power.
  • laser navigation, which allows you to map rooms and move around efficiently and fluidly, finishing in less time.
  • Large capacity battery, can clean up to 250 square meters on a single charge.
  • Easy to use and very configurable, thanks to the Mi Home app.
  • Excellent value for money.
  • Advanced scrubbing, with water flow dosing.

What do your users think?

Impressive, I previously had a Roomba that I was very happy with, but I see that this one is superior in everything: It cleans better, it's faster, it has more autonomy, it doesn't collide with anything, it doesn't get dirty, it cleans easier…It's even prettier!

One of the best purchases I have made. The battery lasts a long time, It has a lot of autonomy, I love the theme of the application, and being able to clean in areas is great. Since I got this robot, I haven't picked up the broom again.

I had doubts before buying it, but it has totally convinced me. It's powerful, the battery lasts a long time, you can control everything comfortably from the app...

Cleans wonderfully, you can have it cleaned without being at home, it's perfect, I recommend it.

A great purchase, it was recommended to me by family members, and although I was not very convinced, now I am very happy. You can clean it from anywhere, and the result is excellent. Highly recommended.

roomba e5

Our assessment

La roomba e5 It is a new generation robot from the American brand. Although it is mid-range, it has some advanced features, such as control via app or AeroForce-type brushes, typical of Roomba's high-end robots.

Technical sheet and characteristics

  • data sheet
  • characteristics

roomba e5

Overall rating: 93

roomba e5

Autonomy (minutes)


Charging time (hours)


Tank capacity (liters)


Noise level (decibels)


Manageable via app


Side brush(es)

Yes (1)



High efficiency filter


Advantages of the Roomba e5

  • Suitable for homes with pets: Its multi-surface rubber brushes effectively trap hairs, and its high-efficiency filter retains up to 99% of microparticles, achieving a purer environment.
  • Powerful, its 1.400 Pascals of suction power place it in a prominent place, compared to other competing devices.
  • The Roomba e5 has Dirt Detect, Roomba's patented system that allows detect where there is more dirt, so that the robot has more impact in that area. In addition, its cleaning head is self-adjusting, so that it adapts to each type of floor.
  • Feasy to handle and configure, thanks to the iRobot Home app. This way, you can connect to the robot at any time and from anywhere.
  • It is easily programmable, through the application. Programming is done in a similar way to an alarm on a mobile phone.
  • Large tank, 600 milliliters, which means that it does not have to be emptied as often.

What do your users think?

Incredible, I don't know why I haven't bought it before. I have a dog at home and a child, and I am amazed at how it leaves the entire house, especially the carpet.. Now we can play on the floor without worrying about hair.

Totally essential, I couldn't live without it. If you have animals, I totally recommend it, it doesn't get clogged with hair. It can be operated from the app or from the device itself, or programmed to come out every day to clean, it is very convenient.

Cleans very well, sucks everything. The noise is not excessive, you let it work, and it cleans the whole house, it is worth buying, I recommend it.

I had a cheap robot vacuum cleaner and it got clogged quickly. This one has rubber rollers, and maintenance is much easier. Every day or two we empty the tank, and every month I do maintenance: clean wheels, brushes... Good purchase, I wouldn't buy a robot that didn't have rubber brushes like this one.

The best purchase I have ever made, feasy to clean, it more than performs, it's wonderful; In terms of spare parts and durability there is nothing better.

Roomba 966

Our assessment

La Roomba 966 has obtained a very high score, 91 points out of 100, based on 203 opinions. He is a high-end robot from Roomba (the 900 series), the traditional market leader. And that shows, since it combines robustness and simple and efficient operation. Besides, It incorporates room mapping and Wi-Fi connectivity, which allows you to control the robot from anywhere and at any time.

This model is the same as the very successful Roomba 960 but in a different color, it has 3-stage cleaning system and its power is five times greater than previous Roomba models. Its bristle-free rubber brushes effectively trap dust, without tangles, so maintenance work is less.

Technical sheet and characteristics

  • data sheet
  • characteristics

Roomba 960

Overall rating: 91

Roomba 966

Power (watts)


Autonomy (minutes)


Charging time (hours)


Tank capacity (liters)


Noise level (decibels)


Management via app


Side brush(es)

 Yes (1)



High efficiency filter


Advantages of the Roomba 966

  • System smart navigation with vSLAM technology.
  • Its high power, together with the design of the AeroForce brushes, allow you to effectively capture dirt.
  • Your system three-stage cleaning It traps dirt and even descales it. Plus, its anti-tangle brushes capture it without getting stuck.
  • It has a large container for dirt, 0,75 liters, higher than most competing models.
  • Programmable.
  • Pet friendly, thanks to its anti-tangle extractors and high-efficiency AeroForce filters, which capture up to 99% of dust and mite microparticles.

What do your users think?

A great ally in cleaning my house. TI keep several animals at home, and before it was impossible, I had to spend a lot of time, but now, the robot cleans for me and I only have to spend a couple of minutes to make it look like new. We are delighted, we like to walk barefoot around the house and now we have it hair-free.

A marvel, this robot is a joy. I work between 10 and 14 hours a day and I have a son, andor I have time to clean, this wonderful vacuum cleaner helps you a lot.

100% recommended, I had another Roomba previously, and I love this one because you can see the map of what it has cleaned and it tells you when it gets stuck or when it finishes its job.. I am very happy with my Roombita.

It is a wonder, the best purchase I have ever made. Too bad I didn't discover it sooner. She cleans for me, while I do something else. I love it.

I recommend it, I have a long-haired pet and a two-story home, and I am very happy. It works perfectly and I always have a clean and effortless house. It is one of the best purchases I have made in a long time.

The best robot vacuum cleaners over 500 euros

Here we present you the higher priced robots. As we have already indicated in the previous section, today there are robots between 250 and 500 euros that have nothing to envy of those here. But, in any case, the decision is yours, here you will also find excellent robots, with advanced and in some cases, (almost) unique features, especially the new generation ones, such as the Conga 7090, Roomba i7+ and the Roborock S7:

Conga 7090

Overall rating: 99

Artificial intelligence at your service

Conga 7090 A.I
  • the most powerful
  • Laser navigation and camera
  • Cleaning plans

Roborock S7

Overall rating: 99

The successor to the successful Vacuum 2.

Roborock S7
  • Good suction power
  • laser navigation
  • sonic scrubbing

Roomba i7 +

Overall rating: 96

Forget about emptying the dirt.

Roomba i7 +
  • You won't have to empty the dirt for a month
  • Room cleaning
  • High efficiency

Roborock S7

Our assessment

The new creation of Roborock, Xiaomi's subsidiary company, comes to replace the Xiaomi Vacuum 2 (Roborock S50), which is a guarantee. Based on this robot that has given him so much success, the Roborock S7 further refines its operation, so they have gotten a round robot (pun intended). It has obtained a rating of 99 points out of 100, thanks to its notable power, its extensive autonomy, a more fluid and efficient navigation, which is much quieter than previous versions, and the best scrubbing system on the market.

Technical sheet and characteristics

  • data sheet
  • characteristics

Roborock S7

Overall rating: 99

Roborock S7

Suction power (Pascals)


Autonomy (minutes)


Charging time (hours)


Tank capacity (liters)


Noise level (decibels)


Remote Control

Mobile application (iOS and Android)

Side brush(es)

 Yes (1)



High efficiency filter


Advantages of the Roborock S7

  • It is a powerful and efficient robot; Its 2.500 Pascals of suction power contribute to a effective cleaning home.
  • Laser navigation, which is more precise and predictive, and allows the robot to clean the entire surface of the house, without leaving anything behind.
  • Room mapping: The Roborock S6 is capable of mapping and interpreting the map, achieving more fluid navigation; also builds a room map, so it's easier to decide what to clean and what not to clean.
  • Manageable via app: This represents greater comfort and versatility, since We can clean the robot whenever and from wherever we want. In addition, it allows you to configure a multitude of options, so that we will clean exactly what we want.
  • 4 in 1: This robot sweep, vacuum, mop and scrub, so it is a complete solution for home cleaning.
  • Silent: The manufacturer has made a great effort in this regard, significantly reducing the noise level.
  • His sonic scrubbing vibrates up to 3.000 times per minute to break down stains, achieving a unique result.

Roomba i7 +

Our assessment

Roomba has taken all the knowledge and experience of its high-end, the 900 series, and updated it with this Roomba i7 +. But not only that, but It has turned around some aspects that are very important to users, such as emptying the tank or making it easier to define what we want to clean..

For all these reasons, Roomba's new creation obtains a very high rating, 96 points out of 100. It is a robust robot, like all Roomba and easier to use, with intelligent navigation and mapping, and a good level of power, which does an effective job in cleaning the home. In addition, the emptying system is extremely comfortable.

Technical sheet and characteristics

  • data sheet
  • characteristics

Roomba i7 +

Overall rating: 96

Roomba i7 +

Suction power (Pascals)


Autonomy (minutes)


Charging time (hours)


Tank capacity (liters)


Noise level (decibels)


Remote Control

Mobile application (iOS and Android)

Side brush(es)

 Yes (1)



High efficiency filter


Advantages of the Roomba i7+

  • iAdapt 3.0 navigation system, which improves the mapping and movements of the robot, making it more effective and efficient, for better cleaning.
  • Able to save multiple maps.
  • The Home Base is its most distinctive feature, you won't have to worry about emptying the robot for about a month, the robot itself is emptied into the base in each cleaning cycle.
  • Manageable by app, for greater comfort in handling and a greater range of configuration possibilities.
  • Thanks to its Imprint Smart Mapping technology, you will control which rooms it cleans and when it does it, all in a very simple way.
  • Very effective, thanks to its AeroForce brushes, its 3-phase cleaning system and the Dirt Detect cleaning detection system, the Roomba i7+ achieves great results in cleaning the home.

Opinions about the Roomba i7+

It cleans very well, iRobot has made improvements to the app and navigation, it is now faster. The rubber rollers are wonderful. I haven't had to empty the bag yet in a month of cleaning.

Great, This robot is amazing, it sucks up everything in its path, navigates very fluidly and returns to base by itself without problems. The cleaning of the carpets is impressive, your work shows. The app is not necessary to make it work, but it is very useful if you use it.

We had another Roomba, but this one is much better, quieter and smarter, and aspires better.

I wasn't very convinced, but now I'm totally convinced. It saves me a lot of time, which I can use for other things.

I have had other robots, but this is the best, without a doubt, I love it. The Home Base with automatic emptying is a hit, it's really worth it.

Conga 7090

Our assessment

La Conga 7090 es one is the best alternatives on the market. Cecotec has created a robot with high performance in all aspects, which is why it achieves a rating of 99 points out of 100.

Its laser navigation technology is complemented by a double camera, which together with its Artificial Intelligence, allows you to recognize objects and interact with them appropriately. The Diana 3D assistant provides comfortable, friendly and intuitive handling, and its 10.000 Pascals of power place it above the rest of the robots, even multiplying by 4 the most powerful ones from other brands.

Technical sheet and characteristics

  • data sheet
  • characteristics

Conga 7090

Overall rating: 99

Conga 7090 A.I

Power (Pascals)


Autonomy (minutes)




Tank capacity (liters)



Laser + double camera

Remote Control

Mobile application (iOS and Android)

Side brush/s

 Yes (1)



High efficiency filter


Advantages of Conga 7090

  • Its suction power is unmatched by its rivals, multiplying by four some of the most powerful high-end robots of the competition.
  • Very long autonomy of 240 minutes and charging and continuation, When it goes to the charging base to recover autonomy, cleaning begins in the place where it has been left .
  • It can be managed from a mobile application (available for iOS and Android). It can even be activated remotely.
  • It has three brushes: multifunction, anti-tangle (ideal for pets) and Jalisco (soft brush, specialist for hard floors).
  • It is programmable .
  • It has great vacuuming efficiency, thanks to the combination of power and design of its brushes.
  • El 3D assistant Diana facilitates handling and makes recommendations.
  • It's a multifunction robot, which sweeps, vacuums, mops and scrubs, providing a more complete cleaning solution.

What do your users think?

Cleans beautifully. We have a wooden floor and it leaves it perfect, and the turbo vacuum for carpets is fantastic. In terms of mapping and the app, it is the most complete I have seen.

Is the best Conga, amazing, a 10 in everything. It maps super fast, it vacuums and scrubs very well, my whole house is spotless.. I recommend it without a doubt.

Before I had a robot from a well-known brand, and the difference is huge, el Conga It does what it promises, it avoids everything without crashing and it sucks up my cats' hair throughout the house.. The battery is more than enough for my 100 m2 apartment.

The 30 best-selling robot vacuum cleaners

Up to this point, we have told you which are the best robot vacuum cleaners by price range.

But at MiAspiradora we want you to have all the information, so Below we show you the complete list of the 30 best-selling robot vacuum cleaners, so that you can review it and choose the best robot vacuum cleaner, according to your preferences.

  • You can sort the table by the field you want, by clicking on the arrows.

If a + appears in green, you can see additional features.

The rating is a score established by MiAspiradora based on its own algorithm, which can serve as an indicator of satisfaction.

The price range offered (from – to) is indicative. If you want to see the current price, you can click on the corresponding button, as it may have changed.

RobotTrademarksModelAssessmentFromUntilLearn moreAutonomyNoise
Vacuum cleaner robot Conga 7090Conga709099500600Amazon Price24063
Deebot Ozmo 930 Robot Vacuum CleanerdeebotN8 Pro98500600Amazon Price11067
ilife A4s Robot Vacuum CleaneriLifeA4s92150200Amazon Price12064
Vacuum cleaner robot Conga 6090Conga6090 Ultra99300400Amazon Price24063
Vacuum cleaner robot Conga series 990Congaseries 99093150200Amazon Price16063
Roborock S7 RobotRoborockS797500600 Amazon Price18067
Midea M7 Pro Robot Vacuum CleanerMideaM7 Pro99300400Amazon Price18064
Taurus Mini Striker Robot Vacuum CleanerTaurusMini Striker7850100Amazon Price7550
Vileda Relax Cleaning Robot Vacuum CleanerViledaRelax Cleaning76100150Amazon Price8063
Roomba 615 robot vacuum cleaneriRobotRoomba 61590300400Amazon Price12061
Vacuum cleaner robot Conga series 1790Conga1790 Ultra97150200Amazon Price16063
LG VR8602RR Hombot Square Turbo Robot Vacuum CleanerLGVRR8602RR Hombot Square Turbo90400500Amazon Price10060
Roomba i7 Plus Robot Vacuum CleanerRoombai7Plus969001000Amazon Price9068
Roomba 631 robot vacuum cleaneriRobotRoomba 63188300400Amazon Price9061
Roomba 650 robot vacuum cleaneriRobotRoomba 65089300400Amazon Price12070
Xiaomi Vacuum 2 Roborock Robot Vacuum CleanerRoborockS5 Max98300400Amazon Price18060
Roomba 782 robot vacuum cleaneriRobotRoomba 78288400500Amazon Price12061
Roborock S6 vacuum cleaner robotRoborockS696500600Amazon Price15067
Dreame D9 Robot Vacuum CleanerDreamerD998300400Amazon Price15055
Rowenta Explorer Series 95 Robot Vacuum CleanerRowentaExplorer Series 9598400500Amazon Price22565
Philips FC8810 SmartPro Active Robot Vacuum CleanerPhilipsFCC8810 SmartPro Active77300400Amazon Price9058
Roomba 980 robot vacuum cleaneriRobotRoomba 98096600700Amazon Price12070
Neato D6 Robot Vacuum CleanerNeatoD691400500Amazon Price12069
Neato D7 Robot Vacuum CleanerNeatoD793600700Amazon Price12069
Miele Scout RX1 Robot Vacuum CleanerHoneyScout RX191500600Amazon Price12060
Roomba e5 robot vacuum cleaneriRobotroomba e593300400Amazon Price9066
Ikohs Netbot S15 Robot Vacuum CleanerikohsNetbot S1594150200Amazon Price12060
Roomba 960 robot vacuum cleaneriRobotRoomba 96091500600Amazon Price7570
Roomba 896 robot vacuum cleaneriRobotRoomba 89687500600Amazon Price6058
Xiaomi Vacuum Robot Vacuum CleanerXiaomiVacuum94200300Amazon Price15072

Bestsellers: The robot vacuum cleaners that are selling the most

And below we show you the 7 robot vacuum cleaners that are currently selling the most on Amazon:

Reduced priceBestseller no. 1
Reduced priceBestseller no. 4
Reduced priceBestseller no. 6
Reduced priceBestseller no. 7

If you wish, you can continue browsing our website:

Updated on 2024-05-02

24 comments on «What is the best robot vacuum cleaner? We analyze the 30 best-selling models »

  1. Hello, Ángel, thank you for visiting our website.

    Yes, it's true, there are so many options that sometimes it's complicated. In what you mention about scrubbing, there are robots that perform a more superficial scrubbing (they use a wet mop) and others incorporate some type of system that achieves a better result, such as the Conga mid-high range, the Deebot or some new generation Xiaomi/Roborock.

    From what you say, you would need a good level of power, so in that case we would rule out the Deebot, which are the least powerful of the three options we have mentioned. We tell you various options, of which you can see the analyzes on our website:

    Of the Conga, do you have la Conga 5090, which is the most powerful robot on the market, with 8.000 Pascals, or la Conga 4090, which also has a very good power, 2.700 Pascals, and in the rest of the characteristics it has quite a few in common with the first. In Xiaomi/Roborock, the Roborock S5 Max It is a good option, and with a fairly good power, 2.000 Pa. All of these would also have laser navigation, the most precise. Additionally, you can also consider the Xiaomi Vacuum 1C, with gyroscopic navigation, which also maps, but not as precisely as laser.

    All the best

  2. Hello, my name is Luisa. I want to buy a robot but I still have a lot of doubts. I have a three-story house with a surface area of ​​140 m each and long pile carpets. I was thinking of buying the Roomba 980 but I also like the Xeaomi Vacuum2 and the Conga 3090. What is your advice???

    • Hello, Luisa, thank you for coming to our website.

      We understand your doubts, today there are several very interesting options. Regarding the robots you mention, right now, the Roomba 980 is now at a good price, it has dropped quite a bit due to the launch of the i7, and it is a good alternative, the Conga and the Xiaomi are cheaper and with a good level of performance, in some cases superior (laser navigation instead of camera, greater power...). The Xiaomi has greater autonomy, thanks to its larger capacity battery, which may be interesting in your case. You can visit, if you haven't, our comparison, in case it can help you.

      Two robots that have just come out and we have recently analyzed are also quite interesting, the Roborock S6, which is the successor to the Xiaomi Vacuum 2, and which improves some of its features, which is at a price level similar to that of the Roomba 980, which you can see your analysis here. And, on the other hand, in your case the Roomba i7, since it is capable of saving several maps, although it is much more expensive than the others we have mentioned.

      All the best

  3. Hello, first of all congratulations on the article!!! I have many doubts regarding which robot to buy, at first I had thought about the conga 3090, but now I see many more options and I'm getting more and more confused! I have an 80m house, with few carpets and no pets, what I have are two small children who love being on the floor.
    Thank you very much and greetings

    • Hello, Arancha, thank you for visiting our website and for your encouragement.

      We will try to help you... Yes, it is true that today there are many options, and in the last two years, in addition to expanding the range of brands, robot vacuum cleaners have raised the level of performance. From those first devices that swept but had little vacuum power, to today's ones, already with quite remarkable powers, advanced navigation systems, some that include scrubbing, etc.

      Regarding what you mention, undoubtedly, the Conga 3090 is a good option. It is a complete robot, with a laser navigation system, scrubbing capacity (with modern Scrubbing technology, which imitates human scrubbing...). In the same range and for a similar, or slightly higher, price, you have the Xiaomi Vacuum 2 Roborock, which is also a super robot. You can see more information about them at our comparison, and from there, if you want, see the individual analyses. These would be high-end robots, with a laser navigation system, around 300-350 euros, and are the most powerful on the market, with 2.000 Pascals of suction power. It is also quite good Deebot Ozmo 930, although this is usually more expensive, above 500 euros (specifically, it can be found at 300 or so).

      In the mid-range, with an intelligent navigation system, but based on a gyroscope (which is a kind of digital compass), you also have the Conga 1390, Xiaomi E20 and Xiaomi E35, or the Ikohs Netbot S15. These would be between 150 and 250 euros.

      Possibly, in your case, it is desirable that the robot also include a scrubbing system, like all of the ones we have mentioned. If this section is interesting to you, tell you that possibly the best scrubbing systems are those of the Conga and the Deebot Ozmo, and that of the Xiaomi would be a little lower.

      All the best

  4. Hello, my name is Luis, first of all, I would like to congratulate you on this great article that undoubtedly makes things much clearer than even if you go to a store, but there is a question that I have and that I would like you to help me solve. It turns out that a few days ago I bought the CONGA 3090, because they told me that it was suitable for single-family homes since the more they clean, the more effective these devices are because the mapping is memorized more and more as it is used, but as long as the application is not updated, which is not known when it will be done , to trick the machine, since these machines memorize the last mapping, you had to open the application with different emails. I tried it at home and although I am super happy with it, it is not like that, it does not remember the mapping by changing the email and it always memorizes the last one even if I log out and open it with another email. That is to say, it's not worth it to me since I'm not getting the most out of the machine, hence my question, do you know if there is any model, apart from the latest Roomba which is super expensive, that memorizes several maps of several floors? Thanks in advance.

    • Hello, Luis, thank you for visiting our website and for your encouragement.

      This will probably be one of the improvements that the next generations of robots with advanced navigation will incorporate (some rumors are in this direction), and it is also possible that some of those currently in existence will add it in firmware updates.

      Precisely, not long ago we talk about the Roomba i7, and this option of saving several maps caught our attention (but, as you point out, it is a fairly expensive device). You can also opt for a brand that is a direct competitor in the United States of Roomba, Neato, with models like the Botvac D6 and Botvac D7.
      All the best

  5. Piece of article. I just read it looking for information for my website and I just have to congratulate you, since no one has stopped before to analyze 30 models at a time to assess which may be the best purchase. Congratulations, you should be a reference for people when making decisions when purchasing.

  6. I just bought it conga Excellence…my question is the following…in automatic mode it consumes 120 m. of autonomy, that is, does it have to be running for the entire duration of the battery's autonomy? ..doesn't it detect before that everything is clean? And in room mode it takes 40 m. with each. That's the problem I find, that it takes a long time, an eternity.
    Thank you.

    • Hello, Angela, the usual thing (whenever we have used it) is that in automatic mode it uses the entire battery, and then goes to recharge; We have not tested whether it would do so, for example, in the event that the house was small, and that it ended before the autonomy time... On the other hand, the consumption that results from each battery charge is negligible, therefore, no problem.

      In room mode, it is true that "it takes it seriously", in the sense that it passes through the same place several times... In fact, we use that mode a lot, when we want to clean a specific room, because there are usually leftovers. impeccable. In this case, when it ends, it does stop.

      At first, it seems to all of us that it takes a long time, or that it could make routes more efficient (we also thought so the first times...). But then, you see that what matters is that he does his job independently, he cleans your house alone, and whether it takes him a little more or a little less is not so important. You put it to work, or program it, and let it take care of it...

      All the best

    • Good afternoon. I am thinking of buying a Roomba…
      It is for laminated parquet..
      Which one would you recommend…
      Thank you and congratulations

      • Hello, Rafael, thank you for visiting our website.

        We will tell you about several very interesting alternatives, in different price ranges. Possibly, for the use you mention, the 615 will be more than enough for you. By clicking on the links that we provide, you can access a more detailed analysis.

        First, the Roomba 615, a simple, reliable and easy-to-use robot, which costs around 225 euros (you also have, even, a cheaper model, the Roomba 605, which is around 200, although due to the price difference, we consider the 615 more interesting).

        La roomba e5, with a new generation brush, anti-tangle, good suction power, and manageable through an app, which can cost around 380-400 euros.

        La Roomba 960, which already belongs to the 900 series, iRobot's high-end, with smart navigation and home mapping, app control, charging and resuming..., which right now would be for about 500 euros.

        All the best

  7. Goodnight,
    I would have liked to see the Xiaomi brand in the comparison. I can't stop hearing about him. If you had a budget of €300, a 140m2 house, no animals but 1.5cm high rugs, which one would you choose? Xiaomi, conga excellence 990 or neato?
    Thank you

    • Hello Maria. You are right, this comparison will be updated periodically, soon, new models will enter the fray, and the Xiaomi will enter it, since it is a very interesting robot.

      Any of the three alternatives you mention could work for you, however, each one has its qualities.

      El Conga Excellence 990 is at a very good price, and it also mops and scrubs, it is very complete. It has a good suction capacity and a good autonomy, up to 160 minutes, and it is from a Spanish company (which is a guarantee against possible problems that may arise).

      The Xiaomi would be the intermediate option of those you mention (we don't know if you are referring to the vacuum or the vacuum 2, an improved and somewhat more expensive version, which also has a mop). It has more power (although the Conga is already very good), and a very good autonomy, about 150 minutes; but since its navigation system is better than that of the Conga, since it creates a virtual plan of the house, it is more efficient, let's say it makes better use of time.

      As for the Neato, they are an option that we really like, it is a company that has been able to stand up to the leader Roomba, based on robots that do a great job very efficiently. Although, in general (unless you have a fantastic offer) you will miss a little of that budget.

      All the best

  8. After having read this very long article about robot vacuum cleaners, I can only congratulate you... and decide on one. I am between him Conga Excellence 990 and a Neato Botvac D75, I don't know which one to decide on...

    • Hello, Jose, thank you for your comment. You are hesitating between two great choices, either of them will give you a great result. In the case of the Conga Excellence 990, you will enjoy the advantages of a 4-in-1, which not only vacuums, but also mops and scrubs, leaving your floors sparkling. If you go for the Neato (which is more expensive), you will enjoy a robot with intelligent mapping and a large tank.
      It all depends on the characteristics you value most and what your home is like, how many people you are, etc.

      All the best

  9. Hello, I have seen all the analyzes and I have decided on the Conga Excellence, I've been with her for three weeks and I couldn't be happier. She does all the work herself. I have her programmed to clean while I'm in the office and when I return my house is spotless.

  10. Conga Excellence: I have seen that you devote all your energy to highlighting the properties of the aforementioned cleaning robot.
    However, the one I bought does not scrub the floor and only leaves about 4 wet footprints approximately 1cm thick.
    Therefore it does not fulfill one of its main functions (according to what you advertise). SCRUB
    The wonderful company from Valencia has responded to me that they cannot do anything (They do wash their hands very well)
    For more information you can contact me and I also ask for the publication of this.
    Thank you
    [email protected]

    • Good morning. We regret that the product does not meet the expectations you had of it, it is difficult to meet the expectations of all buyers, and in this case, it seems that the article has not managed to meet yours. Although this model has a very high satisfaction rate, with 91% of satisfied or very satisfied users, it is clear that not everyone can always be happy. In this case, the Conga Excellence has a wet mop that scrubs the floor, but the result may not be the same as that of using a mop, or that of a steam mop, as it will not remove difficult stains. However, if you are not happy with it, we recommend returning it (if you have recently purchased it, you should have no problem doing so).

  11. I have tested the Neato Botvac D85 for two years, cleaning daily except on weekends, and it gives almost excellent results, let's say very very pleased, 0 breakdowns, 0 operating errors, great ease of finding spare parts for filters or rollers, resume the vacuum after charging if you have something left to vacuum in large houses or with a lot of junk in the way. excellent quality of materials. It is a great help for everyday life. You program it when you buy it and forget about it, it does its job every day. You just have to empty the tank when it notifies you after two or three days and that's it.

    • Thanks for your comment, Oscar. We agree, an excellent robot, at a very competitive price in relation to its most direct competition. Complete, technologically advanced and does its job very well. A great product, highly recommended. We are glad that you are happy with it.

      A greeting.

    • Good afternoon, I have a Siberian husky and it is crazy trying to keep the apartment in good condition, there is always hair.
      I'm thinking about buying a robot vacuum cleaner and I don't know if I should just get something powerful that can clean the carpets and the rest of the house or something else that has more functions like scrubbing and it is on that issue where I hesitate because I imagine it makes it very superficial. and I will still have to mop.
      I have been looking at models reviews and I am getting more and more dizzy and above all that it lasts and has spare parts that are easy to find.

      If you could advise me I would appreciate it......regards Angel Redin


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