Trifo, technology and design for your home


Keeping your home clean is easier today thanks to robot vacuum cleaners, a machine already present in more than 40% of Spanish homes, and The Trifo brand combines design and technology to keep dirt at bay in a very stylish way.

Trifo Analysis

History of Tryfo

The American brand Trifo has its headquarters in Silicon Valley and its manufacturing is located in Shenzhen, the megacity known as the Chinese Silicon Valley, due to the large number of technology companies that are located there: Samsung, Lenovo, ZTE, Huawei, Tencent... The company has offices in the United States, China, Europe and Japan.

Founded in 2016, the company's name comes from trifolium - the Latin name for clover - and symbolizes the balance between family, work and personal life, for the help that these devices provide to have more free time.

The firm stands out for the design of its robots, which also integrate different technologies that differentiate them from other models on the market, so it has more than 50 patents in the United States and China, in addition to another 70 applications filed around the world.

Presentation of Trifo at a technology fair

The algorithms presented by Trifo are published in the main robotics conferences, such as ICRA (International Conference on Robotics and Automation) and IROS (International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems).

Trifo robot vacuum cleaners have CE certification and include various technologies to achieve greater effectiveness and efficiency, highlighting the inclusion in models such as the Trifo Lucy of a dual camera with high definition day vision and infrared night vision, allowing you to navigate both in light and dark conditions, avoiding the problems that robots with camera-based navigation technologies usually have in this regard.

The artificial intelligence and object recognition algorithms They also allow you to identify people and animals, and detect dozens of objects (up to 1 inch or 2,5 centimeters), facilitating the navigation of the machine in a fluid and efficient way, interacting better with the environment and finishing the cleaning in less time.

More comfort for your home

This camera system provides additional functionalities to monitor the home, as it allows you to view the home in real time, operating the robot as if it were a camera at our disposal to verify any aspect: how the pets are, if you have left a door open...

In addition, The motion detection system can be activated to monitor possible intrusions, defining a schedule in which the robot will make a recording if its sensors detect movement.

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