Roborock, the manufacturer of Xiaomi and something else


Roborock is one of those manufacturers that has gradually gained well-deserved fame, until it is positioned as one of the most desired brands by buyers.

Headquartered in Beijing with branches in Shanghai and Shenzhen, today The company is one of the leading manufacturers of robot vacuum cleaners., with a complete range that includes not only those manufactured for Xiaomi, but also already includes many models with its own brand.

Roborock Analysis

Roborock History

Created in July 2014, in September of that same year it received an investment from Xiaomi, becoming part of the universe of the well-known multinational.

As a result of that collaboration, In 2016, the brand's first robot vacuum cleaner emerged, the Xiaomi Vacuum., which immediately achieved enormous success, becoming the best-seller in China and in the top positions in other countries, thanks to its excellent laser-based navigation system, its high suction power, its great autonomy and the price. super tight.

In September 2017, another best-seller was launched, which even today continues to delight many buyers, the Roborock S50, known by many as Xiaomi Vacuum 2, understanding that it was a second version of the first. A robot that maintained some of the excellent features of the Vacuum, but increasing the power and including the scrubbing function.

In 2019, Roborock landed in Europe, seeking to more closely satisfy the growing technological demand of the old continent., trying to cover from here the areas of marketing, sales, engineering, customer service and after-sales, and reinforcing direct distribution.

Initially with what was its flagship, the S5, and with the mid-range models manufactured under the Xiaowa sub-brand, but would soon launch new and successful models on the market, following the basis of those that have made the company famous:

  • El Roborock S6, which represented a new milestone, introducing room cleaning.
  • El Roborock S4, capable of performing better in complex environments.
  • El Roborock S5 Max, who increases the notable autonomy of this manufacturer's models and perfects the scrubbing system, perhaps one of the points that could be improved that previous models presented.
  • El Roborock S6 Max V, a Robot with artificial intelligence, with an advanced laser-based navigation system and dual camera, as well as powerful hardware and a complete database, allowing you to identify objects and better interact with your environment.
  • El Roborock S7, a robot with exceptional performance and one of the best alternatives in 2021, with a high suction power and sonic scrubbing to achieve a unique cleaning result.

The company has not only stopped at robot vacuum cleaners, and at the CES in Las Vegas held in early 2020 launched its first cordless stick vacuum cleaner, the Robo Rock H6, a device that aspires to compete with the almighty Dyson, thanks to a high suction power and its great autonomy, far above that of other devices, since it lasts up to 90 minutes.

Next, the brand has launched another impressive model, the Robo Rock H7, a model based on the previous one, but even more powerful, and that can be used (optionally) with a bag, which is ideal for allergy sufferers.

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