
If you are looking for a robot vacuum cleaner to clean your house, you have probably seen a multitude of rankings and comparisons.


On this website you can find some of them, such as the analysis of the best high-end robot on the market in 2019, the comparison of the best cheap robot vacuum cleaners, the article about the 30 best-selling robotss, by price ranges, or the fight of the titans between three best sellers, Conga 3090, the Xiaomi Vacuum 2 and the Roomba 980.

All these comparisons tell you about specific models. Excellent robots, very sold, but they are the ones the editor has chosen.

For this reason, at Mi Aspiradora we wanted to go a little further. How about you make the comparison yourself?

To do this, we invite you to go to our robot comparator. At You will be able to select the robots according to various parameters, and compare the ones you like the most.

From there, as always, the decision is yours. You know, we analyze, you choose.

How the comparator works

For each robot you can expand the information by clicking on the image. You will see a pop-up text “Details”, and you will be able to access the detailed product sheet.

Go to Product Detail in the comparator

To search for a robot, you can use the filter fields (branding, navigation, scrubbing…).

By clicking on them, the different options for each one will be displayed.. Once marked, the search engine will select the corresponding robots.

Every time a filter is activated, the “clear all” button appears at the top left, which allows you to delete all the search filters, so that all the products appear again.

Selection in the comparator

Once you have filtered the characteristics that interest you, you can click on the upper right corner of the desired robots, where it says “compare”, and the triangle will change from blue to fuchsia. When you click on the second robot, a message will appear at the top, indicating the robots you want to compare.

You can continue adding robots to the comparison. In this example, we have added four robots. The message tells you which ones you are confronting.

Compare 4 robots

Once we click to compare, it will show us the characteristics of the robots we have selected, face to face.

Comparison detail

If you wish, you can return to the initial screen by clicking on the text at the top left “Return to comparator”.

What characteristics to take into account when choosing a robot


One of the first questions when choosing a robot is the price range in which we operate. This will not allow us to decide, but it is a limitation.

Evidently A robot costing 100 euros is not the same as one costing 800 euros, and normally, a higher price implies a higher level of performance, although this is not always the case.. Aspects such as brand positioning or possible offers also influence.

In the search engine, you have 5 ranges: robots of less than 100 euros, between 100 and 200, between 200 and 300, between 300 and 600 euros, and more than 600 euros.


In addition to the differentiation by price, we have created several subcategories to divide robots by range, differentiating them into basic range, mid-range and high-range.

The range is related to the price and the performance of the robot. In this way, normally a basic-range robot will be cheap, and a high-end one will be more or less expensive.

But also There may be, for example, robots at affordable prices that fall into the mid-range, because they offer a good level of performance., or robots with more or less high prices that do not have advanced features, so they remain in the basic range.

The same thing happens between the medium and high ranges.; There are robots that, being in a medium price range, are loaded with technology and offer very high performance, which is why they fall into the high range; while Other robots, even though they have higher prices, do not include high-level features, so they remain in the mid-range.


The brand is an important criterion for many buyers. Some brands have carved out a position in the market over the years, and not by chance.

The traditional world market leader, Roomba, has recently been joined by other brands, such as Conga, Deebot, Xiaomi or Roborock, for example, which offer effective and efficient devices at very competitive prices.

Navigation and mapping system

One of the important aspects that makes a difference when choosing a robot is its navigation system.

The most basic robots have random navigation, in which the robot makes decisions in real time, based on what it encounters in its trajectory, and traces routes following patterns that mix straight lines with diagonals and other movements, with no apparent meaning. This way, although they may do a good job, it is not very efficient and they may not be able to clean the entire surface.

Other robots incorporate infrared sensors, which allow them to anticipate possible obstacles, making their navigation more fluid., they are faster cleaning than the first.

In the medium and high ranges already with more advanced navigation systems, which allow the robot to build a map of the room and thus clean the entire surface, in an orderly and systematic way.

There are basically three mapping systems, those based on a gyroscope, those that use a camera, and those that have a laser sensor.

Those that use the gyroscope provide a good result, at a very reasonable price. The gyroscope is a kind of digital compass, which allows the robot to know where it has passed and where it has not.

It is not as precise as other systems and is not predictive, since the robot does not anticipate possible obstacles, but it works reasonably well and is an affordable technology, which allows there to be many robots with this system that range between 150 and 300 euros.

Robots with cameras represent an advance, since they not only map quite accurately, but their navigation can be predictive, that is, they can anticipate obstacles, so that they move fluidly. In this group there are medium and high-range robots, depending on the features they include and the price range in which they are located.

Meanwhile, robots with laser navigation have the most advanced and precise technology. Their navigation is also predictive, with a range of several meters, and they can clean in the dark, unlike models equipped with a camera.

Laser technology is the most used in precision work (architecture, medicine, etc.), where great accuracy is required, so laser mapping is the most faithful to the real layout of the house.

Number of maps

Among the robots that have mapping, we can distinguish between those that do not save the map and those that do..

The former map as they progress, and can even show us the progress on a map in the application, but they do not store this information, so they cannot use it in subsequent cleanings. Every time they clear, they will start a new map.

The most advanced robots allow you to save the home map. In this way, we can access advanced functions, such as cleaning areas, creating restricted areas (which the robot will not access) or cleaning by room.

If your home has more than one floor, or if you want to use the robot to clean more than one house, you may be interested in a robot with the capacity to save more than one map.

Suction power

Gone are the days when robot vacuum cleaners were devices with low suction power.. Today, the basic range usually ranges between 600 and 1.200 Pascals, sufficient figures for acceptable cleaning, although there are models that exceed these figures and reach a notable 1.400-1500 Pascals.

For its part, the medium range starts at about 1.000-1.200 Pascals, and its figures can practically be compared to those of the high range in many cases (as an example, the Conga 1690 Pro, which with its 2.700 Pascals is at the top of the ranking), which means that we can already find very powerful robots at an average price.

Within the high range, we can find a good handful of robots with powers greater than 1.700 Pascals, figures that guarantee excellent work in home cleaning.

Management via app

A possibility that is being incorporated into the high range and increasingly, into the mid range. Control through an application makes it possible to control the robot from wherever we want and whenever we want, which gives us great versatility.

Furthermore, it allows us access to a wide variety of features, and makes it possible for them to leave incorporating various improvements over time.

Voice commands

Another option that more and more robots have. The convenience of controlling them through voice commands (usually through Alexa and/or Google Home), using simple commands to start the robot cleaning, stop it or send it to the charging base, for example.


Many robots do not include mopping and scrubbing, and quite a few users opt for this type of device, since they are not interested in the robot mopping. However, it is also worth noting that This functionality allows greater comfort, as well as savings in time and space, since we can do all the home cleaning with a single device.

In addition, The mop allows the robot to capture more dirt, helping to remove it if it is stuck; and if we impregnate it with a little mop liquid, we can get shiny and scented floors.

Room cleaning

One of the features offered by some robots, usually high-end, is the possibility of mark directly on the map and/or program the robot to clean one or more rooms in the house.

For that, The robot is required to be able to save maps, and to interpret rooms as rooms (Normally, you can modify the drawing created by the robot, merging or dividing). Once we have the map divided into rooms, we can tell the robot which one or which ones to clean.