handheld vacuum cleaners

Handheld vacuum cleaners are a very interesting alternative for certain very specific tasks, but They are not a valid option as the only cleaning device, but rather serve as a complement to other devices..

They can be very useful for cleaning the car, the kitchen table, shelves (or, in general, spaces that are difficult to access), without having to take out the “large” vacuum cleaner.

handheld vacuum cleaners

In recent years, and thanks to the improvement of batteries (although there are also more uncomfortable corded models), some models that have a certain power have come onto the market.

Remember also that There are some 2-in-1 stick vacuum cleaners, which combine the characteristics of this type of device with the benefits of having a handheld vacuum cleaner.

Advantages of handheld vacuum cleaners

Next, we will see some of the advantages that having a handheld vacuum cleaner can provide us:

Ease of handling

handheld vacuum cleaners They are easy to handle, due to their design and low weight. (they can be around 1,5 kilograms).


For its size, allow you to reach hard-to-reach places, which can make our lives easier in some cases.


Related to the above features, Its small size makes it easier not only for cleaning tasks, but also for storing the device..


They usually have various accessories to clean different types of surfaces, and some can vacuum solids and liquids. 

Do you want to know the most valued models of handheld vacuum cleaners? Visit our guide, or access individual analyses:

Disadvantages of handheld vacuum cleaners

These features can be very interesting, but these vacuum cleaners also have some disadvantages.

They do not serve as the only model

It is the main disadvantage, and it is a compendium of all its characteristics. Due to its size, its design, its power... A device of this type is not enough for us..

They are not comfortable for large surfaces, and will only serve as a complement.


Although today there are models with notable power, in general, They are less powerful than other alternatives.

Weight :

Although they are not very heavy models, we must take into account how we are going to use them.

Normally, we will use one hand, and we always keep it in the air.

Esto It can cause some fatigue if the cleaning task lasts more than a few minutes..


Although there are some corded models, most use batteries.

The battery provides you with some advantages, but it is also a drawback, because, To use it, we need to have it loaded (if it is not enough, its effectiveness will decrease).

In addition, Battery performance may decrease over time.

Moreover, its autonomy is not too great (it can be around 15-20 minutes).

Deposit capacity

In line with its power and battery life, the tank capacity of a handheld vacuum cleaner it is not very wide (about 0,3 liters).

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